Saturday, November 16, 2019

Tantra Movement next module in Massage Course

Hello Lovely People! 💜

Like almost every 5 days, we begin a new module of Massage Course or "All Aspects of Love - All Aspects of Tantra" course. Whenever you're ready you're welcome to join <3
The coming course would contain 3 parts in 3 days:
Day 1: Short but powerful Tantric Massages
Day 2: De-Armouring Massage
Day 3: Full Body Orgasm without Touching Massage

Day 1
Short but powerful Tantric Massages

We going to play with different intuitive, tantric massages, what we use usually at the course "All Aspects Of Love, All Aspects Of Tantra". We will play with polarities, with mixing the energies of whole elements and chakras. In the meantime we would learn and practice of Tantric Massage, what would be great preparation for the coming days

Day 2
De-Armouring Massage

This time we going to sharing something not very intimate at all but very healing and liberating. What we are going to experience during this workshop is a massage, where by pressing particular points, you are brought to your limits of pain and then you stay there. In this way, we are getting rid of our physical pain, emotional pain and our energetic pain, what we have been carrying sometimes all of our lives.

Full Body Orgasm without Touching Massage

This massage is based on the energetic touch that doesn't require physical touch. Still, you may be able to bring the person to very deep full body energetic orgasm or if the body chooses to deep energetic healing. This technique is also very useful in cases when people are blocked for touch.
I feel that nothing explain better than the video with me as a model for my teacher and student Flaviu Pop:

Check the website or ask for more info
Michal Kali Griks

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Tantra Movement Program 2019/20

Hello Lovely People!

I'm so exited, so happy and looking forward. In a few hours, I would be back home at our tantric island, Koh Phangan in Thailand. 

4th year, this time for good, like never before.

From the beginning with the strong intentions and actions into creating the community of volunteers around Tantra Movement. 

We are constantly growing not only spiritually, but also we are expanding in Love, in ecstasy, in abundance...

Join us! One way or another! We are looking forward to connecting.

The time is Now!. 

Golden Thought between the announcements:
"One from the most essential, most healing and most beautiful things what you may learn, experience and exercise at the tantra workshops is to express, to respect and to share your own and partner's boundaries. When you feel them your partner, respect them, it may be one of the most liberating and healing experience. The workshop save space creates a comfortable playground to stretch them when you're ready for it." - Michal 2019

 PROGRAM FOR 2019/2020 

From November till June, we would give an ongoing program of 3 days/one-month courses.

We focus on two courses:

All Aspects of Tantra and

Tantra Massage

Below you have the dates, however, for more details, we invite you to the website and/or to our FB events (links below)

Looking forward to hearing from you and see you soon at Koh Phangan.

5 November Welcome party

7-9 November Massage 1st Module

11-13 November Massage 2nd Module

15-17 November All Aspects 1st Module

18-20 November Massage 3rd Module

22-24 November Massage 4th Module

26-28 November All Aspects 2nd Module

29 November – 1 December Massage 1st Module

3 December Opening Heart, Breast Massage Ritual

5-7 December Massage 2nd Module

9-11 December All Aspects 3rd Module

13-15 December Massage 3rd Module

17-19 December Massage 4th Module

21-23 December All Aspects 4th Module

27-29 December Massage 1st Module

2-13 January Journey of Love and Intimacy

16-18 January All Aspects 1st Module

20-22 January Massage 2nd Module

24-26 January Massage 3rd Module

28-30 January All Aspects 2nd Module

1-3 February Massage 4rth Module

5-7 February Massage 1st Module

9-11 February All Aspects 3rd Module

14-16 February Couples retreat

18-20 February Massage 2nd Module

22-24 February All Aspects 4th Module

27-29 February Massage 3rd Module

3dr March 42nd Birthday

6-8 March All Chakras Course

10-12 March All Aspects 1st Module

14-16 March Massage 4th Module

19-21 March Massage 1st Module

23-25 March All Aspects, 2nd Module

27-29 March Love Yourself Course

2-4 April Massage 2nd Module

7-9 April Massage 3rd Module

11-13 April All Aspects 3rd module

16-18 April Massage 4th Module

20-22 April Massage 1st Module

24-26 April All Aspects 4th Module

28-30 April Massage 2nd Module

2-4 May Massage 3rd Module

7-9 May All Aspects 1st Module

11-13 May Massage 4th Module

15-17 May Massage 1st Module

20-22 May All Aspects 2nd Module

24-26 May Massage 2nd Module

29-31 May Massage 3rd Module

For more details you may check our website:

and our fb events

Video: How to make Yoni Massage?

How to make Yoni Massage.Masterclass by Michal Kali Griks
Masterclass by Michal:
"This is one of the greatest gifts that I may give to humanity. At this lecture, I will share my wisdom about the tantric yoni anatomy, and I will explain how to provide the yoni massage. "

For those, who would like to see the videos before we upload them here, we invite you to subscribe to our YouTube supporting channel:

We are very much looking forward to welcome you to one of our Retreats.
Spread love in the world!

Michal Kali Griks

Tantra Movement School introduces you to the path of tantric practice and lifestyle. It's a way of deep experience, abandoning concepts, exchanging energy, gaining awareness and entering a truly intimate relationship with yourself and others. It expands you to the deepest and highest levels of love and ecstasy through exploring all dimensions possible to you. From the place where you are, we support you on your journey of growing into your full potential.

We facilitate our workshops and retreats worldwide: during summertime, you find us all over Europe, in beautiful and natural centres and spiritual festivals in Spain, Netherlands, Romania, Bulgaria and Germany. Every winter we give Tantra Retreats on the beautiful island of Koh Phangan.

We love to see you in one of our life-changing Retreats – join us!
If you have any questions, CONTACT US!

Copyright © 2019 Tantra Movement, All rights reserved.
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