Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Male and female energy workshop in Basic School of Tantra

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Saturday 29 june from 11.00 till 14.00
Overtoom 301, 1054 HW Amsterdam, Netherlands

Nowadays not so many people are aware that within us exist male and female energy. Doesn't matter what sex we are, from balance of those energies depends our health, our contentment, our happiness and fulfilment in our relationships.
At this workshop we would met our inner woman and man within us. We would recognise their energies. We would hear from them how is to live with us, what are their needs, what are concerns. How we can improve their (our) life...

Besides of that we would learn differences between male and female bodies. We would learn how to approach them in the way that beautiful sexual energy of love would flow freely, would be not forced or imposed on someone or blocked by some wrong behaviour.

This workshop would be our debut as couple, here in Amsterdam. :)
Edyta Weber and Michal Marek Griks

More updates about Basic School of Tantra You could find here:

Price for single class is 30, 60 or 90 E per person.

If You would like to join whole Basic School of Tantra = get discount or check latest updates check

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sacred Sexuality workshop this saturday in Basic School of Tantra

Here You can join, share,invite Your friends get update's
After experiencing great energy, love, ecstasy and nature at Tantra Festival in Poland, after getting great teachings from one of the best teachers of tantra ( like Sarita, Vincent and Roxana Hawett, ANDREW BARNES, JOHN HAWKEN,BRUCE LYON,SHAKARA,ERSTERA SARASWATI,ZENON HELLER,KARO AQUABAL,SONIE BEDNAREK,PUSSI PROJECT ... ) I would have honour to teach the best what I experienced there... 
This Saturday we would go for a journey to the past to heal our memories mainly connected to our sexuality. We live in the society where very often sex is considered as something bad, dirty, what develop guild and shame in us. We going to heal our wounds in intention to bring sacredness and pride to genital parts of our bodies and to whole concept of sex in our life. We going to free ourselves from stereotypes what are holding our love. 

Price for single class is 30, 60 or 90 E per person.

If You would like to join whole Basic School of Tantra = get discount and get latest updates check

Wprowadzenie do Tantry. Wykład z ćwiczeniami

Tu możesz zaprosić znajomych, zarejestrować przyjście i dowiedzieć się najnowszych szczegółów:

Warszawa Parkowa 25/3 środa 19 czerwca od 18.00 do 21.00

Uczymy jak poprzez poprawę aktu miłosnego możemy poprawić nasze zdrowie, relacje i wszystkie inne aspekty życia.
Na naszym wprowadzeniu do tantry pomiędzy teorią, która głównie uczy o praktyce, pokażemy Wam także przykłady prostych, ćwiczeń, które będziecie mogli kontynuować w domu sami albo z partnerem. Zastosowanie wskazówek z tego warsztatu diametralnie poprawi Wasze życie. 

Miłość jest najważniejszą rzeczą dla większości z nas. Akt seksualny powinien być najbardziej intymnym, najbardziej zbliżającym, najmocniejszym wyrażeniem tego uczucia. 

Warsztat jest przewidziany zarówno dla par jak i singli. 
Wstęp za dobrowolny datek. 
Prosimy o szybkie potwierdzenie twego przyjścia ponieważ liczba miejsc jest ograniczona.

Aby uzyskać więcej informacji prosimy o kontakt mgriks@gmail.com
lub sprawdzić

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tantric massage workshop by Red Dakini, Magdalena Lisowska in Basic School of Tantra

This Saturday from 11.00 till 14.00 at Overtoom 301


Red Dakini, Magdalena Lisowska would teach us Tantric massage
You could learn Tantric touch what she describe in this way at her page:

"If you want to feel more, be more and awake your passion to life...
If you want to wake up, discover your inner self and let go of your negative energy...
If you want to come back to the flow of life and surrender yourself to pleasure and relaxation...

You should come to my sessions...."

And here some information about her:
I've started my adventure as a classical Thai masseuse. After a while I discovered I could also bring my healing qualities into my massages. Then tantra came into my life and it showed me the way to bring my whole heart into my Work. My massages became softer, more tender, more loving, but also more passionate.

I can see so much beauty in You. That's my basic approach. I treat your body as a temple and you can feel it. We connect deeply and intimately in a tantric session with respect to our feelings and boundaries. Every meeting is a unique exchange of energies, with a pleasure of touch and the sharing of blissful state.

More about her You could find here:
More updates about Basic School of Tantra You could find here:

Price for single class is 30, 60 or 90 E per person.

If You would like to join whole Basic School of Tantra = get discount and get latest updates check

Price for single class is 30, 60 or 90 E per person.

Tantric touch

Friday, June 7, 2013

Opening Connection University / Open Tantra Seminar / CU Nieuwsbrief

European Foundation for Complementary

& Integral Sexological Therapy and Care



The Connection University

for Advanced Erotology



Nieuwsbrief, NL

juni 2013


Lieve Mensen, Beste (aankomende) Studenten, Beste Collega's,


Na jaren intensief samenwerken met diverse professionals nationaal en internationaal zal binnenkort de officiële opening van onze universiteit (www.theconnectionuniversity.com) plaatsvinden. Jullie zijn van harte uitgenodigd deze opening (seminar) bij te wonen.


Met het vestigen van dit onderwijsinstituut willen wij graag een ware ambassadeur zijn voor de re-connectie van liefde, seksualiteit en intimiteit op het hoogst mogelijke niveau van ons bewustzijn en bestaan. Daardoor hopen wij ook bescheiden bij te dragen aan een betere en meer vreedzame wereld, waar mensen wonen, die zich ten diepste verbonden voelen met zichzelf, hun geliefden, hun omgeving en met de natuur die hen omringt. Mensen die de volledige verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor hun (liefdes)daden.


Elders in Nederland en Europa zijn er ook diverse initiatieven om tantra meer professioneel te gaan doceren. Maar de Connection University zet met de Rasayana Tantra Academy (www.rasayana-tantra-academy.nl) de eerste en de enige hbo / universitair geaccrediteerde tantra opleiding neer. Met een excellente internationale staf aan docenten dragen wij bij aan de verdere professionalisering van tantra onderwijs in Nederland en Europa.


Daarnaast zal in januari 2014 de Love Academy van start gaan met de opleiding tot seksuele surrogaat partner (therapeut) en de opleiding  tot SSPT supervisor (proces-coach).


In onze nieuwsbrief (zie PDF bijlage) treffen jullie informatie aan over de opening van onze universiteit en van het academisch jaar 2013 / 2014, op 14 juni a.s. om 15.00 uur, met een open Tantra seminar door: Sanjay Vishwakarma, Ph.D. Komt allen en zegt het voort!


Daarnaast informatie over open seminars van buitenlandse gastdocenten aan de Rasayana Tantra Academy en Love Academy in 2013.


Verder Informatie over het aankomende 3e oriëntatie- / selectieweekend voor de Rasayana Tantra Academy, nog 3 plekken beschikbaar! Aanmelden? mail: info@deconnection.org


Tevens info over de 2e master-class, 26 en 27 oktober 2013, door expert David Brown op het gebied van Seksuele Surrogaat Partner Therapie voor SSPT professionals en studenten aan de Love Academy.


Wij wensen jullie allemaal een ontspannen en zonnige zomer!


Het Connection University Team.


Monday, June 3, 2013



Welcome to the most exciting festival of the year!
Do you want to learn how to experience deep love and sexuality?
Do you want to enhance your sex life?
Do you want to learn how to feel a real closeness with a person you love?

If so, we would like to invite you to meet Tantra- connecting sexuality, personal development and spirituality and great teachers of Tantra from around the world!

The Tantra Festival in Poland is a unique opportunity for guests from abroad as they can:
meet such distinguished teachers of Tantra as Sarita, Roxana and Vincent Hewett, John Hawken, Andrew Barnes, BruceLyon, Shakara, Mystic Bauls
take part in their workshops – 2 day workshops, 4 hour workshops, lectures and ceremonies (all in english!)
stay 10 days in a comfortable and friendly place, surrounded by lush landscape and wild nature
and all that reasonably priced

10 day FESTIVAL PASS (eight 2 day workshops, ten 4 hour workshops, lectures and ceremonies- everything in English) costs only from 275-340 Euro !!!

You can take part in only half of the festival! (with half price)

Accommodation and food costs (depending on the standard – there are rooms for 2, 3,4 people, beds in the attic, a campsite for tents) vary from 21 to 34 Euro.

For a group of several people the "Here and Now" Centre helps to arrange pickup from the airport (Gdansk and Warsaw) and transportation to Nowe Kawkowo!

The exemplary cost of a flight from London to Warsaw is aboout 55- 60 Euro (return ticket, Wizzair, Ryanair)

For a group of 10 participants – discounts! 10%

We invite you to spend 10 days in the atmosphere of friendship, sensuality, pleasure, love and fun!
Festival of Tantra nad Sexuality is the first event of this kind in Poland!
Classes will be held by 18 top teachers from Poland and abroad !
We have prepared over 60 workshops and lectures!
Ten 2 day workshops, twenty 4 hour workshops, 15 lectures, 12 ceremonies and evening events!!

Together we create a safe space in which we can taste various forms of Tantra, discover our sexuality and spirituality, and thus - the way to a fulfilled life. During the festival you will be able to meet teachers from different paths of Tantra, who will offer various techniques. We have invited teachers representing the whole spectrum of the ways of personal development, both traditional and contemporary.
Thanks to them, the ancient wisdom passed on for generations, will meet with a modern approach to human development in the twenty-first century.



Tantra is a path developing full human potential. It focuses on working with the body, sexuality, mind and emotions, but also on spiritual growth. Tantra is one of the few ways of development and spiritual search that not only includes sexuality but considers sexual matters necessary for enriching and deepen spirituality. This philosophical system has a tradition of several thousand years, and is also called "the yoga of love".
Tantra is particularly important for people who wish not only to improve their sex life but expect to deepen a relationship with their partner. Through gentleness, mindfulness and conscious perception of the body, Tantra helps to open up to a beloved person. It affects our whole life. It offers an approach to life that celebrates the joy and sensual awareness of the body.

We are inviting you for 10 days of the fantastic festival during which you will be able to take part in 2 day or 4 hour workshops, lectures, 2 hour presentations, ceremonies, rituals, concerts and dance shows.

It just depends on you whether you wish to work intensively during the workshops, or simply relax and enjoy great company, amazing concerts and ceremonies, and beautiful woodland surroundings! Everybody is responsible for his or her own schedule of events!

Festival – details of the offer

2 day workshops (2x 5,5 hours = 11 hours, it is possible to choose 2 daily)
4 hour workshops (it is possible to choose 2 or 3 daily)
lectures – 2 hours (it is possible to choose 1 or 2 daily)
additional events – concerts, ceremonies, dance events, presentations
morning classes – meditations, morning body awakening exercises
The Temple of Love
Sharing space
Tantric bookshop

Why 2 day workshops?
In order to be able to make the most of the fact that so many fantastic teachers gather together in Poland in one place and offer their teachings!! It is an unbelievable opportunity for both the advanced followers of Tantra wishing to work intensively with particular teachers, and beginners who would like to experience deep processes and various aspects of the Tantra path in the safe and friendly atmosphere.

4 hour workshops – for whom?
For those of you who would like to take their first steps in Tantra and those whose purpose is to meet a new teacher and his or her methods of working: various attitudes towards themes such as love, relationships, sensuality, spirituality, working with energy.

7:00 – 8:00 morning activities (meditations, exercises)
8:00-9:00 breakfast
9:00-9:30 common greeting of the day and presentation of the teachers
09:30-13:00 2 day workshops, part 1 (one to choose)
09:30-13:30 4 hour workshop
13:00-15:00 lunch
13:30-15:30 2-day workshops, part 2
14:00-15:30 lectures
15:30-19:30 4 hour workshop
18:00-20:30 dinner
20:15-21:00 common sharing of the "Tantric Families"
21:00-23:00 evening ceremonies and events


Creating space for the personal and spiritual development
Building the tantric community in Poland – meeting people who feel close to tantra and wish to develop through love, relationship and awakening of consciousness
To present the true potential ("disenchantment") of Tantra and sex, which have been evoking controversies and emotions for years.
Creating new bonds of friendship, exchanging experiences among the participants and teachers
Joy, fun, relaxation, dance, coexistence with nature
Initiation of the event which would take place twice a year (summer event in the Center, winter event in a big city)


We invite everybody – alone or with a partner, beginners and advanced practitioners of Tantra, those who are simply curious about the themes and new approach to life. You have to be at least 18 years old. Children are not allowed to take part in the festival.
You alone are responsible for yourself during the festival and it is your decision which events you are interested in.
You are responsible for your behaviour towards other participants of the festival. We expect you to be respectful, honest, open and truthful. At the start of the Festival you will be asked to confirm your acceptance of the Regulations of the Festival of Tantra.
If you are coming with your partner you are required to book a double room or camping place in order to have your private space for exercises. If you choose to sleep in the common rooms you must be aware that this space is only for sleeping and relaxation.
During the Festival all of us create safe space to know each other and our attitudes towards love, relationships, sexuality and spirituality. Some of the workshops may deal with nudity and intimate touch but nevertheless, we always support you in respecting your personal limits and boundaries, in saying "No". You can always be fully dressed and refuse to take part in activities which make you feel uncomfortable.


2 – day workshop (2x5,5 hours = 11 hours, in English):
„Secret Garden: The Power and Mystery of the Divine Feminine (Sarita with Roxana Hewett)
„Master Lover – Men & Women" Sarita with Vincent Hewett
" Tantra Psychology of Love and Sexuality" Andrew Barnes
" Sex & Spirit" Bruce Lyon with Shakara
„Energy and Eros" John Hawken
,,Tantric touch and massage" John Hawken
„Tantra - Energy Aliveness" Roxana Hewett
„Sacred Body – Wild Spirit" Roxana and Vincent Hewett

1- day worshop (in English):
1. "Dakini Tantra path – from Emptiness to the Great Bliss" Estera Saraswati and Zenon Heller

4 – hour workshops (in English):
"BlissDance" Andrew Barnes
„Sacred Marriage and Modern Relationships" Bruce Lyon/Shakara
„Dark Eros – introduction" John Hawken
"Tantra Spirit: Sex, Love, Spirituality" Sarita
"Divine Sexuality" Sarita
„The Secret Language of Touch" Roxana Hewett
"Twin Flame" for couples - Dawid and Zosia Rzepeccy
„Shaman Journey" Dawid and Zosia Rzepeccy
„SexMission – a Mandala Ceremony" Dawid and Zosia Rzepeccy
„Mistic Baul chants – the Essence of Tantra" Baul Mystics
„ Mistic Baul dance – the Essence of Tantra" Baul Mystics
„Primal Spirit of Tantra" Baul Mystics
„Your sexual life from the begining" workshop for women, Karo Aquabal
„Workshop on male sexuality and orgasm" for men Karo Aquabal
„Short workshop on polyamory and open relationships" Karo Aquabal
„The art of tantric touch - Divine Footsteps" Sonia Bednarek
„Sacred prostitute within you – from ecstasy to sacredness". Workshop on sexual archetypes for women. Iza Cisek
„Horny God within you"– from wildness to spirituality. Workshop on sexual archetypes for men, Iza Cisek
„Tantric ShivShakti puja" Estera Saraswati and Zenon Heller

TALKS/ LECTURES (in English):
Sarita „Tantra Essence"
Andrew Barnes „Tantric orgasm and women sexuality" a talk with a demonstration
Bruce Lyon and Shakara "Shambala Tantra - the fast path to freedom" an experienced talk
John Hawken „Sky Dancing"
John Hawken „Tantric Path – slide show "Pilgrimages to sacred places of power"
Baul Mystics „The life of Baul Mystics – spirituality, lifestyle, way of thinking and tantric practices"
Roxana and Vincent Hewett „Tantra for couples - Soul Mate Training"
Dawid and Zosia Rzepeccy "New sexmission"
Karo Aquabal „Sex does matter - an open lecture on role of sexuality in personal growth and spirituality"
Karo Aquabal „Love School" – Ready for sex ...
Sonia Bednarek „Tantra of hands – about the art. of tantric touch"
Iza Cisek „Anatomy of seduction. A return to magical and cermonial form of relations"
Pussy Project „New coaching, a sex coaching" Marta Niedźwiecka and Dorota Sakowska
Pussy Project „Postmodern European and Tantra" Marta Niedźwiecka and Dorota Sakowska

Play Party in a Love Temple – Andrew Barnes
Baul Mystics concert „Tantra essence"
Tantra Jam Session: Baul Mystics, Dawid & Zosia Rzepeccy and other musicians
Night Ceremony: Original Innocence Ritual – Roxana and Vincent Hewett
Ceremony of a spiral – John Hawken
Sweat Lodge – John Hawken
Temple ritual – Bruce Lyon and Shakara
Tantric Puja in a nature – Karo Aquabal
Cuddle party – Iza Cisek
Tantric Pure Party – Estera Saraswati and Zenon Heller
Pussy Party „Does electricity kill intimacy?" Educational, social and party event - Marta Niedźwiecka and Dorota Sakowska
Tantric Jam Session – Dawid and Zosia Rzepeccy
Tantric ceremony at the end of the festival - Sarita with other teachers


In Western culture today, most of us have not received the true knowledge of sexuality, love and respect of the deep intimacy between men and women. The very concept of Tantra has provoked a lot of controversy over years, prompting widespread and false beliefs that Tantra is merely about sex, group sex, something unbridled, wild and immoral.

Sex and sexuality is one of the most important aspects of everyone's life. It relates to the body, senses, emotions and relationship with another person. Sex definitely affects the quality of all the aspects of our life. Today, sex has become something ordinary and common, persistently breaking into our life through advertising and the media. Despite this fact it is no longer exciting or mystical. All of our sexuality has been reduced to the act of sexual intercourse. We have lost something very important - the whole sphere of deep feelings, experiences and emotions. On the one hand, there is a lot of sex in magazines, books, television and the Internet, on the other hand, many people are still ashamed of their own carnality, they do not talk with their partners about sexual problems, very often they are not even able to look at each other's naked body.

Tantra is not merely an ancient technique enriching our sexuality, but it is also a multilevel system that teaches us how to experience love and sexuality and how to create close relationships. Tantra is a path offering a multi-dimensional personal development.
Tantra is a meeting of bodies, hearts and souls. This is the Way of Development and Transformation, experiencing deep love and sexuality, creating close relationships, linking bodies and souls. It is called "the holy communion of the bodies" and there is no exaggeration in this notion. When pure love flows, it flows through our entire body. Every part of the body is holy and glows with Love. These are not just sexual techniques and tips - as is commonly believed, but something much deeper. It is a process which takes place at all levels - body, mind and soul. And it unites all of these levels. This is the way to the deep, mystical spirituality, knowledge of God / Goddess within you and outside of you.

Tantra, which we propose can become something that will enrich your sex life at once, or it can serve as the long-term development path. You can consciously discover its various aspects step by step: from richer sex life, to the fuller, more conscious relationships, from the change of different aspects of life, to spiritual development. Each of these steps is equally important, each results from the next. You can begin to practise Tantra at any moment of your life and development, alone or with a partner, and the practice of Tantra will transform all the areas of your life - relationships, sex, but also work, friendships and parenthood.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Tantric Alchemy by Lila Lilith and Tantric Dance by Marcia Sanders this saturday, 8 june in Basic School of Tantra

Here You can join, share, get update's https://www.facebook.com/events/207192062762484

from 11.00 till 13.00 introduction to Tantric Alchemy by Lila Lilith (India/Israel)
from 13.30 till ~ 15.00 Tantric Dance by Marcia Sanders from http://artofloving.nl
Price for single class is 30, 60 or 90 E per person.

About Lila Lilith

A practicing Tantriklila profile sa, occultist, therapist  and artist. She received initiation into Tibetan Buddhism's Highest Yoga Tantra by H.H. the Dalai Lama and into Dzogchen, by Lama Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche.

Lila Lilith travels extensively, studying esoteric traditions from Western magic to Kabbalah, Yoga, Tantra, Buddhism, Shamanism and healing for the last 15 years. She is devoted to researching  the roots of Tantra and the lost lineages of Tantric female initiators.

As a  therapist  Lila Lilith combines her background as a clinical herbalist, shamanic healer, bodyworker, sound healer  and Tantric Buddhist practitoner into an integrated therapy customized for varying individual needs.

As an esoteric artist, Lila Lilith uses ritual performance as a means to embody the profound alchemical principles of Tantra ,combining belly dance, temple dance,  butoh, poetry, performenxe art,spoken word and song  to allow the audience a direct non conceptual experience.

Marcia Sanders from Art of Loving would teach us Tantric Dance

When dancing becomes meditation

Tantric Dance is a play of the divine energy between masculine and feminine. Meditation while dancing, moving into the observer.


The challenge to stay grounded and flow. To relax and gracefully let yourself be moved.


Welcome to Tantric Dance

Each time we explain more about female/male dynamics; about Shiva and Shakti energy.  Men: what do you do with a woman completely in her Shakti power? Or if she is not, how can you invite her to her own vitality and let her shine? What do you need from a woman to totally surrender?
Women: how to approach this motionless Shiva energy? How can you move Shiva an make a harmonious flow? What do you need from a man to totally surrender?

More about Marcia and Tantric Dance You could read at their page http://artofloving.nl/info/marcia

If You would like to join whole Basic School of Tantra = get discount and get latest updates check http://affordabletantra.blogspot.nl

Lila Lilith in Amsterdam. Begin in Basic School of Tantra next saturday ( + Tantric Dance by Marcia Sanders )

 - - -
AoL title

Temple of the Goddess agenda

Beloved Marcia,

De serie Sacred Prostitute gaat over dat wij als vrouwen in staat
zijn met onze seksuele energie temple sonszelf te verlichten, de man, en de hele planeet. Dat we in dienst kunnen staan van het Goddelijke, en dat ons lichaam daar een instrument of kanaal van is. Het gaat over devotie en worship. Het gaat over helen en geheeld worden, over dans, kunst, zang allemaal vanuit onze essentie. De baarmoeder, yoni als poort naar het Heilige...

Lila Lilith Seminar Holy Whore

Hoe gaan wij als vrouw om met onze seksualteit.
Onderdrukken? Camoufleren? lila profile sVerslaving? Hoe beinvloeden reacties van mannen, vrouwen jouw vrijheid in sensualiteit? Lila Lilith legt niet alleen vanuit historisch perspectief uit hoe we soms nog gevangen zitten, maar rijkt ook technieken vanuit het boeddhisme aan om oude patronen los te laten. Ze heeft de allerhoogste initiaties in tantra yoga ontvangen van de Dalai Lama. Mis het niet, Lila Lilith komt speciaal naar Nederland voor dit seminar. Kom met me mee!? Seminar will be in English.


- June 8 Alchemy of Tantra and the Goddess intro by Lila Lilith. Meet and Greet with Lila. 11.00-13.00 Overtoom 301, Amsterdam 13.30-15.00 Tantric Dance by Marcia. More info. Whole day €30,-
- June 9 Holy Whore seminar (1) at Studio Vredenburgh, Vredenburgersteeg 31-15 10.00-16.30 (€ 77,-). Meld je aan via de website. Wanneer je €50,- hebt ovegemaakt is je plaats gereserveerd.
- June 15 Holy Whore seminar (2) at Studio Vredenburgh 12.30-17.00 (€ 55,-)

- June 12-13-14 Esoteric Belly Dance by Lila Lilith
- June 20-21-22 Esoteric Belly Dance
Kokopelli, Amsterdam 18.30-20.30 uur €70,- per serie (3x), €30,- per workshop (cash)

Bowing down to your Radiant Beauty,

Temple of the Goddess


zie ook onze FaceBook Art of Loving en Tantric Dance of deel je ervaringen in de Tantric Circle