Saturday, August 31, 2013

Basic School Of Tantra. New Year, New Season begins 28.09.2013 !!!

Let beautiful energy of love stream through us to You:

28.09.13 - Open night tantra party
30.09 - 11.10 - 10 days crash course
4.10 - 6.12 - 10 fridays course
Every last weekend of the month
- advanced course (for everyone)
(Private workshops possible also at Your home)

In at Meerhuizenplein 11 and Spaarndammerstraat 43

If love is the biggest power in the universe
If love-making is the most intimate and the most connecting expression of love
If we need the power of Love so much right now, like never before
It's time to bring love back to human education

That's what we are doing by establishing Basic School of Tantra and by teaching there.

We are tantric couple, who's destiny become to share tantra. We are not any gurus but just "normal" people like You. Through tantra, we recognised that our sexual powers are most efficient (for us) ways to improve our self esteem, physical and mental health, intimate relationship, love (also to Yourself), our energy and all other aspects of life... So this what we would like to share with You

Let Love energy overflow Your problems...
...and the problems of the world

Edyta Weber - therapist, body worker,tantrica...
and Michal Marek Griks - tantrik, Kundalini Yoga teacher...

Guest teachers are:
Marcia Sanders from Art Of Loving and Tantric Dance, yoga and tantra teacher,danser, tantrica
Colin Willby (UK) sexual Tao expert, publisher, author of books: "The Way of Good Sex' and 'The Peace Mandala'
Sanjay Vishwakarma - vedic scientist, astrologer, expert of classical tantra

Open Night Tantra party €10/single person €15/couple
The 10 workshops on basic tantra techniques will cost € 250
Single workshop € 40
9 advanced weekends € 800
Single weekend € 120
"The more you give, the more you get" So You are very welcome to pay more if You can afford that.
However, if the price is too much for You,contact us, and we will find a solution to make it affordable for you too.
Don't hesitate to ask the questions 0684955749 - Michal
More info, updates and details:

Taste of Tantra. Introduction workshop at Magneet festival

Taste of Tantra. Introduction workshop this Sunday at 20.00 and Friday at 20.00 in green area in Mobiaton.
Like last year this time again Basic School of Tantra would give workshops at the festival. Everyone is welcome.
At this workshop beside to tell You about tantra, we give small examples of simple, save exercises, what You can continue later with Your partner or alone. Everyone who would follow instructions from this introduction may already diametrically improve her/his life.
We are not only going to teach You
how to improve Your love making,
Moreover, we teach you in simple steps
how to improve Your physical and mental health,
intimate relationship and all other aspects of life.
See Ya there !
More info You may find at

For one month, Magneet Festival is the place for creative free spirits in Amsterdam. Everybody with a creative initiative is welcome to pitch their idea to the internet platform. If this idea is popular and possible, Magneet Festival co-creates and facilitates. This makes Magneet Festival the first crowdsourced festival of its kind in Europe.
The town district East-Amsterdam is offering a unique piece of land during the length of the festival. On an artificial sand valley at the Zeeburger Island (Zeeburgereiland) in the East of Amsterdam visitors can enjoy music, theatre, experimental constructions, fine arts, children's activities and more.
"No spectators, only participators" has always been the "Magneet philosophy". To create something special you need to work together, on which this co-creational festival is also based. With "Leave no Trace" as motto, it's clear that durability plays an important part during the festival: participators are expected to keep durability in mind when building and breaking down whatever they have in mind. It's a special place and we're giving it back in its original state, if not cleaner.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Colin Willby in Basic School of Tantra

And this is sponanious interview made at Rainbow Gathering
Colin Willby is the proprietor of Peace Mandalas Publishing. His book, "The Way of Good Sex'(2011) is a manual for exploring the potential for natural contraception through muscular control, similar to Taoist ideas and yet based upon the precept that Yin is light and Yang is dark.

He also cracked the code of the megaliths, based on Pi at 3.1418282, after devoting 10,000 hours to researching John Michell's idea that the distance across Jerusalem's Old City can be measured in British Feet. His book 'The Peace Mandala' (2011) reviews that research. He is currently working on a version of the 'I Ching' with hexagram lines related to the days of the year and with new commentaries, varying from the standard ones found in other 'I Ching' editions. This will be available as a 2014 diary in September, 2013.
For more info about him and his books see

If anyone (of You know someone) would like to organize the lecture about sacred geometry just contact us...

Here You can read and download whole pdf of the summary ( fragment below )

Summary of the 'The Way of Good Sex', including upward orgasm and love muscles training
techniques by Colin and Leechan Willby.
Males and Female Love Muscles Training:
Begin by stopping your urinating in mid-flow to contact the love
muscle. At other times and without urination then hold this love muscle contracted for as long as you
can and then
relax it. Practice these contractions of the love muscle and also begin to contract surrounding muscle
s (buttock, groin,
anal, pelvic and especially abdominals as far as the navel) in sets of exercises. Relax all these love
muscles as you
breathe out and tighten them as you breathe in. The
re will be slight ballooning outwards of the area between the navel
and lower ribs as you breathe in. Make reminders to
do the exercises for at least 20 days. Aim at extending the time
that you can hold all of these love muscles locked
and the in-breath for up to 10 or 15 seconds.
Upward Orgasm for Males:
After 20 days of love muscles training then introduce masturbation. Use non-sexual
visualization and reduce any sexual imagery around
you. As you approach near to orgasm, take a sharp intake of
breath as you apply love muscles contraction locking. Also include continuous thumb and finger pressure
to the area
just below the head of the penis. Keep your mouth open and your tongue forward and down.
The key is not to go too close to orgasm when learning this new regime. Keep
still and hold your breath, along with this love muscles lock and
the finger and thumb pressure. At the same time mentally redirect sexual energy up the spine to the
back of the neck on the in breath. Once the orgasmic sensations have
faded (and with your mouth still open and tongue forward and down) then release all locks
and pressures and direct that pooled sexual energy from the neck to the storage place at
the top of head (when the chin is down and back). Imagine that energy now stored
between that cranium and the skin. If the sensations of approaching orgasm reoccur then
resume love muscles locking, hand pressure and the redirection of sexual energy.
... continue at the link above

Monday, August 26, 2013

Rasayana Tantra Academy is starting with 'Natrural Birth Giving, Tantric And Orgasmic Bliss Birthing, Re-birthing Into Tantric Bliss for Adults' by Silja Rehfeldt

21 en 22 september 2013:
Master-class in pure en essentiele (vrouwelijke) Oertantra, bedoeld voor voor m en v

'Natrural Birth Giving, Tantric And Orgasmic Bliss Birthing, Re-birthing Into Tantric Bliss for Adults'.

Door: verloskundige, Warrior of Bliss & Dakini Silja Rehfeldt, (Berlin),

openbare Connection University seminar (
) vergezeld met deelnamecertificaat:

Locatie: Centrum in de Roos, Gnephoek 2b, ALphen aan den Rijn.
Kosten: € 250,- p.p. all in (overnachting en vegetarische maaltijden). (vroegboekkorting opgeven tot 1 september 2013, na 1 september
€ 300,-).

Opgeven:, nog 8 plekken beschikbaar. Meer info: 06 499 87 435 .

Mis deze bijzondere Master-class niet! Maak ook anderen enthousiast!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Zaterdag 2 november 2013: het tiende tantra festival in Rotterdam

Meer informatie van bron :

Het tantrafestival is een jaarlijks terugkerende unieke kans om kennis te maken met de verschillende vormen van tantra, biodanza, e.d. zoals die op dit moment in Nederland gegeven worden. 

Het festival biedt kennismaking en inspiratie, maar ook op vernieuwing en verdieping. Een kans om te proeven van de verschillende vormen van tantra en dergelijke. Dat betekent ook dat de sfeer en de inhoud van de workshops heel verschillend kan zijn. Soms is het meer gericht op spiritualiteit en meditatie, soms meer op intimiteit en seksuele energie, soms beide. Wel houden alle begeleiders er rekening mee dat het een laagdrempelige dag is waar iedereen ontspannen mee kan doen met de activiteiten.

Er zijn 32 workshops in acht zalen. De afgelopen jaren was het festival uitverkocht met 220 deelnemers en 40 trainers.
De inschrijving start om 11:45 uur, de eerste workshop is van 13:00 uur tot 14:45 uur, de tweede van 15:15 tot 17:00 uur. Van 17:00 uur tot 19:00 uur is het diner. De volgende workshops zijn van 19:00 uur tot 20:45 uur van 21:15 uur tot 23.00.

Het festival wordt georganiseerd door Jan den Boer, hij zal samen met zijn vrouw Caroline ook twee workshops geven.
Het programma wordt verder gevuld door zowel bekende als minder bekende namen uit de Nederlandse wereld van tantra, en mogelijk ook enkele buitenlandse tantratrainers.

Het festival kost € 45, een eventueel diner kost € 10 extra.

Het concept programma is waarschijnlijk bekend op 10 september a.s. en wordt kort daarna op deze website geplaatst.
Als je je aanmeldt krijg je ongeveer een week tevoren het entreebewijs, het definitieve programma en de zaalindeling per mail.

Wil je je aanmelden voor het tantrafestival 2013? Dat kan via dit formulier

Hieronder kun je al een voorproefje krijgen met het programma van vorig jaar.

Het negende tantrafestival, dat werd gehouden op zaterdag 3 november 2012 in Centrum Djoj in Rotterdam, was weer een succes. Het aantal deelnemers was ook bij deze editie weer maximaal; het festival was opnieuw uitverkocht.

Hier vind je nog het programma van het tantrafestival 2012.

Rainbow Gathering Greece 2013.Maggie Nazer about Tantra Workshops and Rainbow

Just another interview from Rainbow:
"This is a 6-minute interview with me, my dear friend and Tantra Teacher Marek made. Watch it to hear a bit about the place of tantra and Rainbow gatherings in today's society according to me and more about what we learned, felt, experienced, brought back with us…

♥Maggie Nazer is a social entrepreneur, activist, blogger and current Middlebury college student."

Friday, August 16, 2013

Rainbow Gathering 2013 Greece.Is Tantra Political?(part 1) Video interview and text

One of the text what i shared on many of our workshops at Rainbow Gathering. What do You think about it ? I hope would provoke for discussion and confront some stereotyping thinking...

In the movie what I'm making, I'm asking people: „Is Rainbow political ?", " Is tantra political ?". Of course it is. We would like all to change the world for a better place, we would like to save the planet, we all would love to give example to the world, that whole 2000 people can eat vegan food for whole month, that there peace, equality,freedom  and love is possible. Many of us would bring that beautiful energy back home, many would spread that love to their friends, families, surroundings etc. That's great ! That's wonderful ! Fantastic. It will bring the change. But is it enough ?

Copying American life style by Chinese and Indian people is going so fast. Even if we, each of us, after Rainbow Gathering, would menage to commit 2 people for vegan diet, we still would not balance that change. This is small example of many. Next could be: If all Chinese and Indian people would get a car we would be already fucked. Its going fast in that direction.

If You would live in early 30ties and You would see the Nazis empire coming, with this knowledge what it brought would You not like to stop it in all possible way, on all levels what You could?

The worse that Nazi time's is happening now in front of us. Millions of people are dying as consequence of climate change and not enough is done to stop it. We got freaky whether records in all parts of the world.

In Amsterdam we sadly joking, that summer that's only this few sunny days and Amsterdam summer fashion collection that's plastic rain jacket, with par of wellington boots. Still is very rare that You would hear about it in propaganda machine – TV ( idiot box ). One of the best thing what we can do o reduce climate change is to make our consumption smaller. The main massage in mainstream media is to " buy more ". Second important reason of TV propaganda is to spread ignorance. Every day big portion of news what we can't do nothing about it and we do nothing about it, make us immune for any need for action at all. So no wonder nothing is changing, - not enough.

The other problem is those who wish the change got divided : Peaceful, not peaceful. Wishing that in the times of TV propaganda circumstances, that meat or weapon industry would end just by soft, wishful thinking is a big dream. Wake up!

From the other hand radical actions what doesn't have social support ( because they're not peaceful enough ) also do not have enough big impact. It's time to unite, to acknowledge all aspect of our struggle, for better world, to save the planet. As tantra is teaching us to recognise, acknowledge, respect and use all aspect of our life, we also should use anger from love in our struggle. Let's free energy of Kali in our struggle to destroy all weapon and meat industry, let's support loudly those actions. We live in disaster bigger than WW2. Time to wake up ! Time to unite! Time to act in all possible way in all levels ! Do something now! The Earth is dying and needs Your help. NOW!

...more You can find on some of our pages: (join the movement!)

Tantra Dance Ritual - story inspired by our workshops :)

Copied and pasted from

Thanks Maggie !

This series of articles is inspired by the workshops given by my first teachers of Tantra- Mihal and Edyta from Poland, who I met during the European Rainbow Gathering in Greece and who led me with care and love through a deep and transforming exploration of my sexual energy. You can read more about their workshops in Amsterdam on their website.

The tantra dancing workshop began with a short explanation about female energy, given by Edyta and Mihal, which succeeded to get me excited and curious to stay till the end and participate fully. I had read about tantra before and I was definitely interested, yet there was some slight discomfort caused by my not knowing what is to follow. Exactly the feeling to make me thank for this opportunity and go for it.

After we brought the musicians and Mihal asked everyone to stay until the end so that the energy is not broken by someone's leaving, we formed two circles- the outer one was Shiva's circle or the circle of the men. Inside the bigger one, Shakti's circle was formed by women holding hands together.

Shakti Female energy

With the start of the music Shaktis started to move and gather their energy, helping each other accumulate the strong creative power needed for the ritual. Shakti is a personification for the sacred feminine sexuality, fertility, empowerment. I started dancing slowly, feeling the rush of blood into my face, calming myself through breathing. I had just arrived at the Rainbow gathering so I knew nobody except for my two friends right there on the outer circle, but I refused the idea of caring about it in a way different by simply being happy that we are all going through something we have never even thought of.

As the other women and I danced gracefully in the circle looking at each other, Mihal told us to pay respect to the Shivas- the man in the outer circle whom we had to greet by dancing to them as they watched us holding on each other. There were some 20-year-old boys, men with different eyes, different height and presence that held different intensity, some folks in their sixties, or who knows- may be even older…

At first I felt like a little girl, scared to look in their eyes, naked in the lack of confidence in my moves. With the time I got to use it as my power, as I gave the floor to my Mohini energy- the flirtiness and playfulness of the little girl that men can see as they look at me, combined with the strong will, growing desire and delayed, for the sake of prolonging the happening of the inevitable, action of the woman that I have grown to be. Kali's presence in me is always to be found  in my calm, but strong desire to torture in the sweetest way of all or even stop it all, just like that.

As I moved from partner to partner I tried to hide my discomfort by looking directly into their eyes and searching for signs. Some men were just as uneasy as I was, If not more, yet there was pleasure in the way they were breaking the eye contact, swallowing and then looking again the moves of the women dancing for them inspired by the sacredness of the ritual. Praising them as gods and celebrating their male power and energy, not because they knew them but for their simply Being.

There was a boy I had seen earlier which looked as someone I had met before on last year's Rainbow, so I made a steep turn and went to dance for him. It was а deep, dense emotion I was floating into. He was beautiful and attractive as hell and he was almost naked dressed only in his boxers. As our eyes met, my lips were trembling and I was both trying to stiffen my body and keep dancing softly, but I was losing my breath so I turned my back and went to one of the oldest men- somehow feeling more secure dancing for him as if I weren't still dancing for a man…

Later I went back to Gaal, as I got to know he was called after, sinking into the everything-but-hidden erotica of pushing my body into his, touching him, creating and destroying distance between us. It was a deep, profound experience which spinned my head.


When Mihal told Shivas to dance for us and with us, it was an explosion of wild, unrestrained, orgiastic movement. Shiva- the "Destroyer" and "Transformer"- was awakened in each body ready to present himself in all his might. A part of me was protesting as I was willingly letting myself be shifted by his hands, my body moving as weightless. The male energy I have come to exercise readily because of the usual passiveness of men was surrendering.



In the next part we had to change partners again and hold each other in Shiva and Shakti pose. My first partner was Paul- a man in his thirties who very much reminded me of the centaur of Narnia, who had a deep, healing gaze you could surrender into. His touch was soft and ours was a slow, magic dance of secrets shared through the breath, through the touch of the skin and the intention to give all your love and tenderness to this creature of heaven staring back at you, transforming into you for a moment and then releasing the energy so that it can heal not only us two, but the whole world.

As I moved one person to the left, I faced Kaloyan. I wanted to share this with him as I saw he was observing without having a partner. As I sat on his lap, I felt his body was tense. At first I tought I have to be more active to balance, but then I let go and we just holded each other and felt each other's pulse, and touched almost without touching.

My next partner was may be one of the oldest guys in the group. I felt akward, yet it was a profound experience of opening. Had I ever tought I could share any possible physical proximity with a man at this age other than helping someone cross the street or give them a kiss on the cheek? Clearly not. But this men with his looong beard and elderly skin was not touching or moving as an old man. There was passion and spirit in his every heartbeat.

In the end partners should dance together, so I sat on the ground next to Martin feeling dizzy. Gaal looked at me and invited me with his gaze, so I went back to him for the most sexually and energetically stimulating dance I have experienced.

We closed the ceremony with a group hug.

♥Maggie Nazer is a social entrepreneur, activist, blogger and current Middlebury college student.

Monday, August 12, 2013

The 4 aspects of Female Energy - article inspired by our workshops :)

copied and pasted from:

This series of articles are inspired by the workshops given by my first teachers of Tantra- Mihal and Edyta from Poland, who I met during the European Rainbow Gathering in Greece and who led me with care and love through a deep and transforming exploration of my sexual energy. You can read more about their workshops in Amsterdam on their website.

The first Tantra workshop led by Mihal and Edyta which I went to was called "Tantra dancing". In the theoretical part Edyta told us about the different aspects or archetypes of female (sexual) energy. Female energy is worshiped, celebrated and respected in tantra. Going deeper into understanding female energy comes with the prerequisite of understanding that all of us, no matter of our gender or sexual preference have both female and male energy. The two energies may be in differing proportions, more or less evident, but nonetheless present in ourselves.

Lakshmi, Sarasvati, Mohini and Kali are all parts of us which we can learn to distinguish, develop and express.


Lakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of spiritual and material richness. She is the emobodiment of beauty and prosperity. Hinduists believe she is the keeper of peace at home: "Invite her and clean the floor for her".

Sarasvati is the artist Goddess in Hinduism.


She is connected with arts, music and knowledge and is tought to be the companion of Brahma and so is his Shakti.

Mohini is less known yet very interesting. she is the childishly flirting Goddess of attraction.


Easy to be illustrated with the literary image of Lolita.


Kali is the most well-known of the Hindu Goddesses. She is best known for her destructive presence. She is madness, danger and anger. She is the strong warrior woman cutting men's penises. She is often perceived as death itself and yet though of as a cleaning energy.

By recognizing the different aspects of female energy represented by the mentioned Goddesses we can consciously learn to use them. And while Goddesses just like women can be very different and contrasting, all aspects of female energy are Love in their essence.

In the following ritual we all got the opportunity to consciously play with the different aspects of our female energy. I, for example, felt that Mohini is the most dominant manifestation of my sexual energy and yet gained interesting observations on the influence of the other three goddesses on the way I move, communicate, touch and reflect on everything that is happening.

♥Maggie Nazer is a social entrepreneur, activist, blogger and current Middlebury college student.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Basic School of Tantra - New Season. Options for all from September till December.

27. September
Opening of the New Season Basic School Of Tantra - Party

30.IX.2013 - 11.X.2013
10 day workshops crash course
September - December 2013
every Friday workshop course

Specialization weekends once a month.

Main teachers: Edyta Weber and Michal Marek Griks
Guest teachers: Collin Willby, Sanjay Vishwakarma, Marcia Sanders... (still would be confirmed)

More info and details would follow but You already can book Your place.

We are not only going to teach You
how to improve Your love making,
Moreover, we teach you in simple steps
how to improve Your physical and mental health,
intimate relationship and all other aspects of life.

Is Tantra and Rainbow Gathering political ?

One of the text what i shared on many of our workshops at Rainbow Gathering. What do You think about it ? I hope would provoke for discussion and confront some stereotyping thinking...

In the movie what I'm making, I'm asking people: „Is Rainbow political ?", " Is tantra political ?". Of course it is. We would like all to change the world for a better place, we would like to save the planet, we all would love to give example to the world, that whole 2000 people can eat vegan food for whole month, that there peace, equality,freedom  and love is possible. Many of us would bring that beautiful energy back home, many would spread that love to their friends, families, surroundings etc. That's great ! That's wonderful ! Fantastic. It will bring the change. But is it enough ?

Copying American life style by Chinese and Indian people is going so fast. Even if we, each of us, after Rainbow Gathering, would menage to commit 2 people for vegan diet, we still would not balance that change. This is small example of many. Next could be: If all Chinese and Indian people would get a car we would be already fucked. Its going fast in that direction.

If You would live in early 30ties and You would see the Nazis empire coming, with this knowledge what it brought would You not like to stop it in all possible way, on all levels what You could?

The worse that Nazi time's is happening now in front of us. Millions of people are dying as consequence of climate change and not enough is done to stop it. We got freaky whether records in all parts of the world.

In Amsterdam we sadly joking, that summer that's only this few sunny days and Amsterdam summer fashion collection that's plastic rain jacket, with par of wellington boots. Still is very rare that You would hear about it in propaganda machine – TV ( idiot box ). One of the best thing what we can do o reduce climate change is to make our consumption smaller. The main massage in mainstream media is to " buy more ". Second important reason of TV propaganda is to spread ignorance. Every day big portion of news what we can't do nothing about it and we do nothing about it, make us immune for any need for action at all. So no wonder nothing is changing, - not enough.

The other problem is those who wish the change got divided : Peaceful, not peaceful. Wishing that in the times of TV propaganda circumstances, that meat or weapon industry would end just by soft, wishful thinking is a big dream. Wake up!

From the other hand radical actions what doesn't have social support ( because they're not peaceful enough ) also do not have enough big impact. It's time to unite, to acknowledge all aspect of our struggle, for better world, to save the planet. As tantra is teaching us to recognise, acknowledge, respect and use all aspect of our life, we also should use anger from love in our struggle. Let's free energy of Kali in our struggle to destroy all weapon and meat industry, let's support loudly those actions. We live in disaster bigger than WW2. Time to wake up ! Time to unite! Time to act in all possible way in all levels ! Do something now! The Earth is dying and needs Your help. NOW!

...more would follow in video interview at (join the movement!)


Friday, August 9, 2013

Welcome back lovely people !

After giving about 20 different tantra workshops and the same amount of Kundalini Yoga sessions for hundreds of people at the Rainbow gathering in Greece,  with great power, energy, motivation and love, we are back in Amsterdam. We stay here for at least few more days. If You would like to get workshops, massages or just meet us don't hesitate to contact us quick...
Soon You would be able also to see here some of our videos from the Rainbow and Tantra in Greece ...
And of course soon we will show some of the details about  new season of Basic School of Tantra starting in late September...
Hopefully see You sooner than later
Love and Light
Michal Marek Griks and Edyta Weber
