Monday, November 25, 2013

Male and Female energy workshop by Basic School of Tantra

Nowadays not so many people are aware that within us exist male and female energy. Doesn't matter what sex we are, from balance of those energies depends our health, our contentment, our happiness and fulfilment in our relationships.
At this workshop we would met our inner woman and man within us. We would recognise their energies. We would hear from them how is to live with us, what are their needs, what are concerns. How we can improve their (our) life...

Besides of that we would get to know differences between male and female bodies. We would learn how to approach them in the way, that beautiful sexual energy of love would flow freely,  would not be forced or imposed on someone and would not be blocked by some wrong behaviour.

We expecting and teaching respect to the limits of the participants, but in the same time we are making You aware that the progress is happening outside the comfort zone. Just as we are flexible and open to spontaneous change,in the same way,  we
welcome any willingness and openness for taking a step into the unknown.

Bring loose outfit, sarong or lungi to practice.

Friday 29.11.13 17.30 till 21.00 Karunika
Spaarndammerstraat 43 Amsterdam

Costs of the single workshop is 40 Euro. Sending email to means confirming Your reservation. Amount of the places are limited.
For updates, more info or to invite Your friends

This workshop is 7th part of 10 Fridays course what You could decide to follow... [cost only 250E = always 10 workshops]
We are tantric couple, who's destiny become to share tantra. We recognised our sexual powers are the most efficient ( for us ) ways to improve our self esteem, physical and mental health, intimate relationship, love ( also to Yourself ), our energy and all other aspects of life... Then we asked ourselves :
Why if love is most important in majority of humanity there in still not place for that important feeling in peoples education. This gap we would like feel in by establishing Basic School of Tantra and by teaching there.
Love and light .
Edyta Baghira and Michal Marek Griks

perfect feminine and masculine - yin and yang

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