- meditations
- working with energy
- massage
- dancing
- relaxations
- breathing
- working together in the couples
- lot of exercises, (also from kundalini Yoga)
- getting deep in to Yourself
- deepening connections within You and others
- learning respecting the limits of others and Your own...
- ... but also opening and expanding Yourself
- working on all aspects of our life, accepting them
- balancing female and male energies
- working on the chakras
- open communication
- sexual tao
- healing Your past and healing Your body techniques.
- expanding Your ecstasy to higher parts of Your body and to other parts of Your life
- a bit of theory how You can improve Your life.
- lots of love
-...and many more...
We start with the attitude that lessons are in clothes on -> followed by Your home work with clothes off. Of course this may change depends from energy of the group...
We create the place where everyone fill comfortable and save.
Mainly i would give the lessons with female assistant but there would be also few teachers who are specialised in some areas.
Michal Marek Griks
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