Tantra Movement School introduces you to the path of tantric practice and lifestyle. It is the way of deep experience, abandoning all concepts, exchange of energy and entering intimate relation not only with yourself. It is expanding you to the deepest and the highest levels of love and ecstasy through working on all dimensions possible to you...
This Tantric Massage course is for couples or people who are willing to work together, so if you´re single you may still join.
After completion of the course you will be honored with School of Tantra Movement Tantric Massage Certificate.
Tantra Massage generates a deep flow of energy, promoting connection on many levels, between sexuality, love and spirituality as well as between the giver and the receiver.
The Tantric Massage course in the School Of Tantra Movement has 13 chapters:
1 The Mystery of Tantric Magic. Introduction to Tantric Massage course
2 Kashmiri Dance Massage workshop
3 Tantric Massage within a relationship
4 Breathing in Shiva Shakti position
5 De-armouring, De-blocking Massage
6 Neo Tantric Massage - Introduction
7 Neo Tantric Massage - Worshipping the Yoni
8 Neo Tantric Massage - Worshipping the Lingam
9 Tantra Movement Fusion Massage - Introduction
... but be aware - Tantra is like never ending story :)
More detailed description of these workshops you may read below
Couple only 900$, Single 500$
Early bird 5 february: Couple 850$, Single 450$
To create more balance we offer special huge discount for first 5 women who would book.
We give another additional 50 $ discount for those who will book two 9 days retreats
You could transfer the amount to Michal Grygoruk NL92TRIO0390212989 in Triodos ethical bank.
Time schedule of the days ( depends from the wishes of the whole group - could be shifted for earlier time )
10.00 - 11.00 Morning Tantra yoga
11.30 - 15.00 workshop
15.00 - 17.00 Lunch break
17.00 - 20.30 workshop
20.30 - Evening meal and sharing of the day
There may be breaks in the program for going in to the nature or watching some interesting tantric movies
You may check updates and invite your friends also here:https://www.facebook.com/events/1851782145104402/
Just before we do 9 Days Tantra course what you can read about here: https://www.facebook.com/events/269707620128805/ When you book both retreats you will get 50 $ discount and multiplied effect ;)
[ Nederlandse vertaling van de cursus: http://tantramovement.blogspot.nl/2015/04/tantra-massage-course.html ]
[ Traducerea in limba romana a cursului: http://tantraromania.blogspot.nl/2015/06/curs-de-masaj-tantric_8.html ]
This Tantric Massage course is for couples or people who are willing to work together, so if you´re single you may still join.
After completion of the course you will be honored with School of Tantra Movement Tantric Massage Certificate.
The Tantric Massage course in the School Of Tantra Movement has 13 chapters:
1 The Mystery of Tantric Magic. Introduction to Tantric Massage course
2 Kashmiri Dance Massage workshop
3 Tantric Massage within a relationship
4 Breathing in Shiva Shakti position
5 De-armouring, De-blocking Massage
6 Neo Tantric Massage - Introduction
7 Neo Tantric Massage - Worshipping the Yoni
8 Neo Tantric Massage - Worshipping the Lingam
10 Tantra Movement Fusion Massage - Worshipping the Yoni
11 Tantra Movement Fusion Massage - Worshipping the Lingam
11 Tantra Movement Fusion Massage - Worshipping the Lingam
12 Full Body Orgasm Massage without touching
13 Closing Ritual ... but be aware - Tantra is like never ending story :)
More detailed description of these workshops you may read below
Couple only 900$, Single 500$
Early bird 5 february: Couple 850$, Single 450$
To create more balance we offer special huge discount for first 5 women who would book.
We give another additional 50 $ discount for those who will book two 9 days retreats
You could transfer the amount to Michal Grygoruk NL92TRIO0390212989 in Triodos ethical bank.
Urban estate
Phase 1 Near university.
Patiala 147002.
Punjab. India
Urban estate
Phase 1 Near university.
Patiala 147002.
Punjab. India
5 march - 13 march
5 march - 13 march
Time schedule of the days ( depends from the wishes of the whole group - could be shifted for earlier time )
10.00 - 11.00 Morning Tantra yoga
11.30 - 15.00 workshop
15.00 - 17.00 Lunch break
17.00 - 20.30 workshop
20.30 - Evening meal and sharing of the day
There may be breaks in the program for going in to the nature or watching some interesting tantric movies
You may check updates and invite your friends also here:https://www.facebook.com/events/1851782145104402/
Just before we do 9 Days Tantra course what you can read about here: https://www.facebook.com/events/269707620128805/ When you book both retreats you will get 50 $ discount and multiplied effect ;)
Don't hesitate to ask the questions mgriks@gmail.com
Some of the translations of descriptions of the course.[ Nederlandse vertaling van de cursus: http://tantramovement.blogspot.nl/2015/04/tantra-massage-course.html ]
[ Traducerea in limba romana a cursului: http://tantraromania.blogspot.nl/2015/06/curs-de-masaj-tantric_8.html ]
This Course as a whole is created to help you go deep in to your inner ecstasy, bliss and healing. Are you ready for the biggest change in your life? Go for an intensive transformation of sexuality and love to the higher levels in one of the most spiritual place in the world.
This retreat is designed for either couples and singles (who are willing to work together) either for beginners and advanced. You do not need to have any previous experience in massage or tantra, to take part in the activities.
We expect and teach respect of the limits of the participants, but at the same time, we want to make you aware, that the progress is happening outside of the comfort zone. Just as we are flexible and open to spontaneous change, in the same way we welcome any willingness and openness for taking a step into the unknown.
...Most important is connection. Bringing you and partner in to the state of energetic merging. If you are able to achieve that, everything will flow how it suppose to...
Deep healing may appear. Healing of your past, your presence, your future, healing of your body, your heart and your spirit, healing of your femininity and masculinity, healing of all other aspect of your life.
Deep sexual pleasure may occur too. In tantra we welcome sexual energy. Yes, we transform it in to sacred and creative power, by keeping it in, instead of releasing and loosing it. We bring that energy, called ecstasy in to the higher levels of our beings like to:
the heart, that you will become more loving...
or to the throat that your communication will improve...
or to the head that you will become more creative or more spiritual...
... Its all up to us and energy flow. Thankful that, you may experience ecstasy not only in your genitals but also in all other parts of your body. Your life may never be the same ;)
Tantra Massage is a tool for :
1 Deepening love to each other and to ourselves
2 Increasing intimacy
3 Building up the energy
4 Deblocking, de-armouring
5 Balancing energy in each chakra
6 Spreading the energy
7 Foreplay and after play
8 Healing
9 Growing spiritually
10 Developing awareness
11 Opening to trust
12 Entering the bliss and ecstasy
13 Learning to feel the ecstasy without the energy release (ejaculation, peak orgasm)
14 To have fun without necessity for intercourse
15 Experiencing full body orgasms
16 Relaxing while being fully aware
17 Enhancing pleasure
18 Many more... the sky is the limit :)
Leaflets to print and spread around:
A more detailed description of these workshops:
AD 1:
"Magic of Tantric Massage" Introduction to tantric massage
This workshop is composed in such a way that you can learn and feel what sacred touch is, so that you can allow healing energy of love into your body and life. Mastering the art of giving and receiving tantric massage is opening us on many levels:
- It helps to recover energy
- Teaches us sacred touch
- Raise awareness of the body
- Is an Introduction to tantric sex
- Develops our potential for love.
It is not possible to mention all the benefits of tantric massage but first of all it is an experience of deep inner joy, bliss, cleansing, peace and ecstasy. It is the experience of being whole. We will mainly focus on the feelings in the body and not only on the techniques . First of all, we want to ensure that participants will experience touch, that they open up for receiving and giving on the body level, that they open up for feeling the pleasure of being a giver and receiver of a massage. We want to go deep into the levels of feeling pleasure, bliss, and flow of the love energy. We want to free all the tension from our bodies, let them go away to make more space in the body, to make in the place of the blockages space for the flow of life energy.

AD 2:
Kashmiric Dance Massage workshop
Like from all my invitations, especially from this one you may already learn something very useful.
Breath in and out. In and out. Become aware of your breath. How it passes through nostrils, how is filling up your lungs, chest, belly, even ho it reaches your toes and top of your head. Notice how with awareness to your breath you become very calm but energised and more alive at the same time .
Notice how by observing your breath, you entered the bridge to here and now. By being focus on your breath you created the inner space of awareness what is leaving behind all your thoughts, all your worries, fears...
Now become aware of the movement created by your breath. Your chest, your belly is expanding. Observe that movement for a while then begin to follow the breath with your body. Extend that movement. Let your spine bend following the belly. Let your pelvic tilt. Then slowly gradually involve the rest of your body: the neck, shoulders, knees, elbows...
Now you begin the dance of your breath. There could be music in the background but this time you dance to your breath. Let your body follow the breath. Do all the movements what would come without thinking. Breath in. Breath out.
Then after that preparation we would go for Kashmiric dance massage what would also follow your breath with deep, floating, intuitive movement. Long, energetic and fluent strokes coming from the breath would bring us in very meditative but dynamic atmosphere, where receiver would surrender in to the moment and to the love itself.
It will make you feel safe in the ultimate dimension. It will bring you closer to yourself in deep connection.
AD 3:
Tantric Massage within a relationship
Even i was the same, now is hard for me to imagine that i could live the way that the massage wouldn't be part of our sexual life and love making. Unfortunately most of the couples life doesn't include massage in it. Even when they use the massage, usually is completely separated from beautiful love making and there is hardly any intimacy in it. It doesn't have to be that way. Massage could be great for play, after play, middle play to love making. Even better, it could be love making itself. Tantric massage may bring you to much higher ecstasy than avarage 5 minute intercourse ended with loosing energy and to often frustration....
Many couples are saying that they're ok they don't need tantra. In our School Of Tantra Movement we don't wanna that your relationship would be just ok. We would like that you would become supreme lovers and your passion to each other would grow constantly :)At this workshop I would also introduce you new language, how you may communicate with each other. Its ¨5 minut tantra¨ - method from Diana Diakova and Martin Heese from TantraZone (C.H.A.I) from Copenhagen. This body language may bring you deep understanding to each other , what would help you to connect better and sort out many problems in your relationship and in your life in general.
AD 4:
Breathing in Shiva Shakti position
In this workshop we will share with you the magic essence of Tantra. We will demonstrate different ways of breathing together, including the way we breathe in Tantra Kriya Yoga, Kashmiric Massage and the Maithuna ritual.
We will do these breathing techniques in the most tantric position: Shiva Shakti, (also called Open Lotus or Yab Yum), in which the partners' bodies are fully connected on all levels (chakras).
This close connection harmonizes our energies and it will become even more wonderful through breathing together. By doing so, we will awake in us the energy of different elements and different chakras: earth, water, fire, air, ether… and again earth, water...
Instead of losing sexual energy downwards we will bring it to higher parts of ourselves: to the heart, we become more loving; to the throat, we become more communicative, while raising the energy as far as the head will enable us to become more creative and spiritual.
Through this exercise we will also balance our male and female energies, not only in ourselves but also in our relationship. We will create great union between partners and also with nature and the whole universe.
Join us to transform those words into the real experience! This is wisdom you can use not just in your massage or love making but in your entire life.
AD 5:
De-armouring workshop
What we are going to experience during this workshop is a massage, where by your partner pressing particular points you are brought to your limits of pain and then stay there. In this way we are getting rid of our emotional pain, our energetic pain, what we have been carrying sometimes all our life.
From our upbringing, society, parents, teachers, religion, through life we created protection - Armour - which was supposed to save us from the things that may hurt us. There's nothing bad in having that armour, but unfortunately we have it all the time.
For example, some of us are still ashamed to be naked during lovemaking, or to express our passion or even our voice. We are holding back our behaviours, our emotions in the areas of life where it would be most appropriate to use them.
The process of 'de-armouring' can give us back the freedom of using or not using our armour, to use our protection when we when we want to. As with all tantric healings, it may heal us from emotional pain, liberate us from conditioning, and from bad past memories mainly connected to our sexuality, etc.
AD 6,7 & 8
Neo Tantric Massage
Neo Tantric Massage was the first massage introduced to the West with inherent tantric principles. It was in the 1960s that Kenneth Ray Stubbs first started to add massage of intimate parts of the body in his massage practice.
My other great inspirations have been Margo Anand and Marjanne Hurks.
Other important principles included in Neo Tantric Massage are:
- no goal
- awareness; being here and now
- using sexual energy and moving it upwards, transforming it instead of releasing it (and losing it, as would be the goal in erotic massage)
- the presence of love
The Neo Tantric Massage workshop is conducted in two parts, where the second part is differs according to gender.
1. First day: Intro - full body massage when we prepare the energy for the things to come...
2. Second day: Yoni massage
Third day: Lingam massage
Yoni and lingam massages are used in different ways in other types of tantric massage.
There many important reasons for massaging the genitals.
Thankful yoni and lingam massage you may explore much higher types of orgasm and ecstasy than typical peak orgasm, what you may compare as kindergarten to university :)
Beside being a great source of pleasure, yoni massage can be a great source of healing for woman. There are many points where past memories are stored, along with emotional pain, conditioning, prejudices, anxieties, fears, angers, etc. Most of them are highly connected to our sexuality.
Lingam massage, especially when done in the neo tantric way, gives men a great opportunity to learn, exercise and experience the receiving part of his being. This, together with bringing upward energy and ecstasy, can open his heart – something very much needed in today's world not only by men but by women (as well as for more beautiful lovemaking).
It's not common known that the yoni and lingam are the most reflexologically active zones in the human body. By stimulating its different parts we are bringing health to all
parts of the body.
This is why for me, one of the most important aspects of Neo Tantric Massage is to do it from the heart.
AD 9,10,11 :
Tantra Movement Massage
...Most important is connection. Bringing myself and you in to the state of energetic merging. If we are able to achieve that, everything will flow how it suppose to.
Deep healing may appear. Healing of your past, your presence, your future, healing of your body, your heart and your spirit, healing of your femininity and masculinity, healing of all other aspect of your life.
Deep sexual pleasure may occur too. In tantra we welcome sexual energy. Yes, we worship this sacred and creative power by keeping it in, instead of releasing and loosing it. We bring that energy called ecstasy in to the higher levels of your being like to the heart, that you will become more loving, or to the throat that your communication will improve, or to the head that you will become more creative and more spiritual. Its all up to us and energy flow.
Deep sexual pleasure may occur too. In tantra we welcome sexual energy. Yes, we worship this sacred and creative power by keeping it in, instead of releasing and loosing it. We bring that energy called ecstasy in to the higher levels of your being like to the heart, that you will become more loving, or to the throat that your communication will improve, or to the head that you will become more creative and more spiritual. Its all up to us and energy flow.
Thankful that you may experience ecstasy not only in your genitals but also in all other parts of your body. Your life may never be the same ;)
This massage is a fusion of years of my own practice and study at The Rasayana Tantra Academy.
It is a mixture of techniques that I found are very powerful when used together.
This development is based on Neo Tantric massage, inspired in me mainly by Margot Anand and Marjanne Hurks.
It has elements of Kum Nye - Tibetan tantric massage - that have been taught to me by Tara Long.
I use breath and energy techniques from Tantra Kriya Yoga which I learned mainly from Anand Rudra.
Then, when energy is fully awakened, I use energetic touch a la Andrew Barnes , which I learned the basics of from Flaviu Pop.
Finally, in Tantra Movement Massage I must also credit the influence of my ex, the great masseuse, tantrika and teacher Edyta Baghira Weber
These techniques used together create a 'dance' with 5 elements and energies between the bodies of the giver and receiver, together creating a sacred space for healing, pleasure, bliss, unblocking, liberation, full body orgasms and everything we allow to happen.
Other important principles included in Tantra Movement Massage are:
- no goal
- awareness; being here and now
- using sexual energy and moving it upwards, transforming it instead of releasing it (and losing it, as would be the goal in erotic massage)
- the presence of love
The Tantra Movement Massage workshop is conducted in two parts, where the second part is differs according to gender.
1.Intro - full body massage when we prepare the energy for the things to come...
2. a) Yoni massage
b) Lingam massage
Yoni and lingam massages are used in different ways in other types of tantric massage.
There many important reasons for massaging the genitals.
Thankful yoni and lingam massage you may explore much higher types of orgasm and ecstasy than typical peak orgasm, what you may compare as kindergarten to university :)
Beside being a great source of pleasure, yoni massage can be a great source of healing for woman. There are many points where past memories are stored, along with emotional pain, conditioning, prejudices, anxieties, fears, angers, etc. Most of them are highly connected to our sexuality.
Lingam massage, especially when done in the neo tantric way, gives men a great opportunity to learn, exercise and experience the receiving part of his being. This, together with bringing upward energy and ecstasy, can open his heart – something very much needed in today's world not only by men but by women (as well as for more beautiful lovemaking).
It's not commonly known that the yoni and lingam are the most reflexologically active zones in the human body. By stimulating its different parts we are bringing health to all parts of the body.
This is why for me, one of the most important aspects of Tantra Movement Massage is to do it from the heart.
AD 12:
Full Body Orgasm Massage without touching
This massage is based on energetic touch what doesn't require physical touch. Still you may be able to bring the person to very deep full body energetic orgasm or if the body choose to deep energetic healing. This technique is also very useful in the cases when people are blocked for touch. I feel that nothing explain better than video with me as model of my teacher and student Flaviu Pop:
Closing Ritual
About us - Michal Kali Griks and Alina Simuleac
Michal Kali Griks -I´m in happy relationship with Alina Simuleac with who I share my life and my teachings
I´m teacher of Kundalini yoga and Tantra, tantric masseur, relationship and life coach. I began my Tantric journey over nine years ago. I graduated Tantra Masseur and Group Trainer level at the Rasayana Tantra Academy. Tantra has become a way of life for me and since more than four years ago I began sharing my wisdom and journey as a teacher of Tantra. While Tantra has several paths, I recognized that for me sacred sexuality is the most efficient way to improve:
my self esteem
my physical
my physical
and mental health,
my intimate relationship,
my love ( also to myself )
my energy and all other aspects of life...
my intimate relationship,
my love ( also to myself )
my energy and all other aspects of life...
For me, sexuality is the most beautiful, intimate, and powerful expression of love. When I recognized how important this is in my life, I asked "If love is the most important need in the majority of humanity, why is there no place for the energy of love and sexuality in peoples education?" So, I wish that by establishing Tantra Movement School I can help fill this great need. In my life I experienced sex as way to hell but I have been very fortunate to also experience it as way to heaven. Now I´m bringing sexuality out of guilt and shame to it´s rightful place sacredness and honor.
I´m a tantric, who's destiny is to share tantra and love.
As tantra movement page is more to promote the events, to avoid to much information here, I also have blog where I share much more not only about myself: http://aktywnatantra.blogspot.nl/Alina sees herself as a peaceful warrior. During a nature yoga session, she melted in a silence beyond words, one that she was desperately looking for. After this, she started to search and received the most important teaching, that every answer she searches for, will only come from within and began to love herself. Now she is thankful for each day and uses as a opportunity to grow and evolve to her better self, planting seeds of love, healing and joy to a beautiful garden called soul. "Close your eyes, smile, breathe deeply and imagine if one man can change the world, how powerful two can be? " - Alina Simuleac
Michal Kali Griks and Alina Simuleac
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