Learning how to love better and doing it, that's our highest purpose in life. Sharing is caring. I feel that sharing the wisdom of Tantra, Unconditional Love and Sacred Sexuality; it is one of the most efficient ways of making this world a better place. I use this page for that... and I go deeper with this at my workshops of course. You're welcome whatever way you will choose. Use it-don't lose it ;) Michal Kali Griks mgriks@gmail.com http://tantramovement.com
Saturday 04.04.15, 13.30 ~ 23.30
4. 17.45 - 18.30
Food break
5. 18.30 - 20.30
Tantric Adventure - In this workshop we explain something about the role of sexuality in the universe and about our similarity to wolves. It helps to let go some of our judgements about ourselves. Between wolves there is a natural hierarchy, which you can also see in human behaviour. We explore these hierarchical structures and play with them. We start with awakening our senses: taste, smell (!), sound, breath, touch, during an intuitive dance. Than we develop an interactive role play in couples based on natural hierarchy and sexual attraction. We explore our alpha, beta, omega male/female parts in a sensual role play. We end with a guided meditation with sharing, in which we connect with our mental awareness and wisdom.
Janine Vermeulen and Mark Naaborgh - http://www.tantrischavontuur.nl
6. 20.45 - 23.15
Dance with tantra - a party time, where you may use freshly, new skills to connect, to dance and to share love, intimacy, fun ....We start with Chakra dance. Then I would provide you further in to the dance with tantra, in to the deeper connection with yourself and the partner. During the party the blindfolds would be available but if you have one ( or more ) bring it with you
In general at that moment I don´t wanna limit my potential only to one person. If there someone would come in my life, some princess, goddess Kali on white horse, with who I would wish to be together forever, probably it would be the person , who would do the same sharing love, tantra work with passion and without limits as I do.
She would be able to give the workshops together with me, watching with proud when I´m making the other girl happy. She would be able to accept that I massage, I cuttle, or even maybe kiss and maybe make love with another person because she would know that I´m doing it to help that person.
Of course she may do the same and we could even share freely our experiences to support each other. There would be full trust, that the love between us is beyond the healing relationships, what we are sharing to help people. Full transparency and honesty about everything. Love on the highest level
This is my dream who may hold me next to her and I know its just the question of time, that will happen because it happened already not once. I do not worry because I´m in love any way. In love in myself, in love in whole universe. Love is energy within and everywhere. Only conditioning made us not feeling it.
2nd choice
At the beginning I started to wondering what shall I write... then I decided I would go to the last choice first...
Last choice
Last thing what could be acceptable for me is the relationship with a person, who needs healing, breaking the conditioning and I may be with that person to help her. It has to be clear that this relationship is probably for just period of time and it can´t require any limitation, possessiveness on any side. At that level ( what through healing, liberation, connection may go deeper ) person have to accept and understand that we are together in very open relationship for her benefits and where there would be time, energy, readiness, this relationship may end.
In tantra, we have guidelines rather than rules. This means that, as higher we are on this ladder of choices, the negotiations are more possible. But please never hesitate to express your limits, questions, concerns and wishes.
Somehow there is big gap between the first and tha last choice. When I started with the second choice I just realised that we are living in the constantly changing ocean of opportunities and situations. This what it seems to be useful today may be relevant tomorrow...
So find yourself in this scale. Feel, think, meditate, where between or may be on the top ;) <3 you see us there.
[NEDERLANDS Vertaling beneden]
Workshop for all in Saturday 28.02.15, 20.30 ~ 23.30
Quote from one of my recent letter, part of the text what I´m rewriting now
In general at that moment I don´t wanna limit my potential only to one person. If there someone would come in my life, some princess, goddess Kali on white horse, with who I would wish to be together fore, probably it would be the person , who would do the same sharing love, tantra work with passion and without limits as I do.
She would be able to give the workshops together with me, watching with proud when I´m making the other girl happy. She would be able to accept that I massage, I cuttle, or even maybe kiss and maybe make love with another person because she would know that I´m doing it to help that person.
Of course she may do the same and we could even share freely our experiences to support each other. There would be full trust that the love between us is beyond the healing relationships, what we sharing to help people. Full transparency and honesty about everything. Love on the highest level
This is my dream who may hold me next to her and I know its just the question of time that will happen because it happened already not once. I don´t worry because I´m in love any way. In love in myself, in love in whole universe – love is energy within and everywhere. Only conditioning made us not feeling it.
to be continued ...
In most of the case they´re coming from addiction to the peak orgasms ( clitoral orgasms or ejaculatory orgasms ). Those fantasies are going in to direction of perversion in order to bring harder stimulation required by deeper addiction.
Fantasies may come during or after tantric treatment, workshop, massage, practise or making love. Usually they´re sudden, not understandable and often there is no clue where they´re coming from. They may surprise us especially if we don´t remember, if we don´t recognise them from our life. Some past memories, some past conditioning needs to be broken, some liberation is manifesting in us. The healing is happening. The best in that moments is to just observe our emotions, energies, sensations, breath, body etc. and by being here and now, going through it (again ? ) in save environment, we would heal what it needs to be healed, we would liberate our self from something. Once and forever, we would get rid of , what is ¨ on our shoulders¨ and slowing us down and making our whole life heavy and miserable. Of course sometimes past memories, pain, sadness, other emotions etc. are to big to go through them at once. Be gentle with yourself, partner or client Sometimes to complete the healing you need more than one session. Don´t force yourself or others to more than you can bare. Its about healing not another traumatising :)
Other fantasies may come from universe, from beautiful energy of love as insights for us. The ideas how we could progress our sexual life, how we could bring never ending healing and love to even higher levels. This is only happening, when we already are bringing sexual energy to higher chakras, so we are not loosing it by the peak orgasms. In that way through fantasies, through third eye chakras, we are getting the insights, how we may use sexual energy in more loving, in more efficient and healing way for us, relationship and even whole universe. In those fantasies you¨re really feeling sure sacredness and even such a practise like BDSM could be used in order to heal the fear and trust.
ADM Amsterdam