Wednesday, February 25, 2015

[SOTM37]Extra workshop this saturday:Sacred energy,Tantra festival,Tantra massage course,SOTMTV,Empowering plans.SOTM newsletter[37]

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Hello lovely people <3

Lucky you :) Unexpected change, unexpected extra workshop. Massage course is starting. Tantra Full Moon Festival and the spring is coming. Love is in the air. I´m looking forward to meet you at some of the workshops.

1.Tantra Movement inspiring pictures
2.Sacred energy. - worshiping your holy body, recognizing your wild soul. Workshop for all [NL]
3. Tantra Massage Course [Now also NL]
4. Tantra Full Moon Festival - some of the plans
5. Tantra Movement TV today:
Sexual Tao by Dirkje Veltman at Rasayana Tantra Academy
Why crying during sex is so damn good for you
The Oneness - We Are All One!
Tribal Alliance 2014 Ayla Nereo "Let It In"
8 hour Lucid Dreaming Music - OCEAN ESCAPE - Lucid Dream Induction Music
6. Empowering plans

Enjoy :)
AD 1:

At the beginnign traditionally some inspiring pictures from Tantra Movement facebook pages ( like us! :)  We just passed 700 likes :) - join the movement


AD 2:

Sacred energy. - worshiping your holy body, recognizing your wild soul. Workshop for all

[NEDERLANDS Vertaling beneden]

Workshop for all in Saturday 28.02.15, 20.30 ~ 23.30

WG-terrein, Ketelhuisplein 41 Amsterdam

25 Euro per person, 45 per couple, 10 times card only 210 E
Don't hesitate to ask the questions ,
Sending email means confirming your reservation.

You may check updates and invite your friends here:
Together we create at the workshops safe space and together we experience transformation processes, remembering, however, that the real change happens outside the comfort zone. We work in a group, in pairs and individually. This day we will focus on the flow of energy through the body, how we experience it and how to inspire and cultivate that. What is blocking us and how to be consciously permeable for those blocking energies.
Tantric path opens us to experience our own, our partners and groups deep energy levels. Thankful Tantric and sexual Tao techniques, we become aware of subtle energies which link the apparent opposites: spirit and matter, sexuality and spirituality, light and darkness, consciousness and unconscious, masculinity and femininity ..
By using the keys to the door of connections, to regain our inner strength, we are giving right direction to the flow of energy.

[NEDERLANDS Vertaling]

Workshop voor iedereen op zaterdag 28.02.15, 20.30 ~ 23.30
WG-terrein, Ketelhuisplein 41 Amsterdam

25 Euro per persoon, 45 per stel, 10 workshops maar 210 E
Voor vragen schroom niet te mailen naar ,
Stuur een mailtje om je aanwezigheid bij de workshop te bevestigen

Hier kun je kijken voor updates, delen en je vrienden uitnodigen:

Heilige energie. - Het aanbidden van je hele lichaam, je wilde ziel herkennen.
Samen creëren we een veilige ruimte en samen ervaren we transformatie processen. onthoud wel dat de echte verandering buiten je comfort zone ligt. We werken in de groep, in paren en individueel. Op deze dag gaan we focussen op de energie flow die door het lichaam stroomt, hoe we die ervaren en hoe we die kunnen inspireren en cultiveren. Wat blokkeert ons en hoe kunnen we die blokkades bewust doordringen?  
Het Tantrische pad opent ons om onze eigen, onze partners en de diepe energie levels van de groep te ervaren.
Dankbare Tantrische en seksuele Tao technieken, we worden ons bewust van de subtiele energieën die ons verbinden met het schijnbare tegenovergestelde: geest en materie, seksualiteit en spiritualiteit, licht en donker, bewust en onbewust, mannelijk en vrouwelijk.
Door de sleutels naar de deuren van verbindingen te gebruiken, krijgen wij onze innerlijke kracht terug, en geven we richting aan de flow van onze energie.   

Michal Marek Griks
AD 3

Tantra Massage Course

Il Cielo Oostzaanstraat 46, Amsterdam

15.00~30 - 19.30  Sundays
15.3.15 ( to be confirmed ),  29.3.15,  5.4.15, 12.4.15, 26.4.15, 3.5.15, 17.5.15, 31.5.15, 7.6.15, 14.6.15
Tantra Massage generates a deep flow of energy, promoting connection on many levels, between sexuality, love and spirituality as well as between the giver and receiver.

The Tantric Massage course in the School Of Tantra Movement has 8 chapters:
1 The Mystery of Tantric Magic. Introduction to Tantric Massage course
2 Kashmiri Dance Massage workshop
3 Tantric Massage within a relationship
4 De-armouring, De-blocking Massage
5 Neo Tantric Massage - Introduction
6 Neo Tantric Massage - Worshiping the Yoni
7 Neo Tantric Massage - Worshiping the Lingam
8 Closing Ritual

... but be aware - Tantra is a never ending story :)

More info about particular workshops you may find on our pages

[NL vertaling]

Tantra Massage Cursus

Il Cielo Oostzaanstraat 46, Amsterdam

15.00~30 - 19.30 zondagen
15.3.15 (moet nog bevestigd worden), 29.3.15, 5.4.15, 12.4.15, 26.4.15, 3.5.15, 17.5.15, 31.5.15, 7.6.15, 14.6.15

Tantra Massage brengt een diepe stroom van energie voort, die verbinding bevordert op vele niveaus, tussen seksualiteit, liefde en spiritualiteit zowel als tussen de gever en ontvanger.

De Tantrische Massage cursus in de School Of Tantra Movement heeft 8 hoofdstukken:
1 Het Mysterie van Tantrische Magie. Introductie tot de Tantrische Massage cursus
2 Kashmiri Dans Massage workshop
3 Tantrische Massage binnen een relatie
4 Ontwapening, Deblokkering Massage
5 Neo Tantrische Massage - Introductie
6 Neo Tantrische Massage - Aanbidden van de Yoni
7 Neo Tantrische Massage - Aanbidden van de Lingam
8 Afsluitingsritueel

... maar wees je bewust - Tantra is een nooit eindigend verhaal :)

Meer info:
AD 4

Tantra Full Moon Festival - some of the plans

[gedeeltelijk NEDERLANDS vertaling beneden]
       { Updates would come soon }

Saturday 04.04.15, 13.30 ~ 23.30

WG-terrein, Ketelhuisplein 41 Amsterdam

Price is 30 E per person and 55 per couple
Don't hesitate to ask the questions ,
Sending email means confirming your reservation.

You may check updates and invite your friends here:
So the schedule is:
1. 13.30 - 14.00 Opening ritual
2. 14.00 - 15.30 Tantra Kriya Yoga by Roland Thier
3. 15.45 - 17.45 Workshop by Elfriede Van der Sanden ( )
4. 17.45 - 18.30 Food break
5. 18.30 - 20.30 Tantric adventure by Janine Vermeulen and Mark Naaborgh ( )
6. 20.45 - 23.15 Dance with tantra - a party time and workshop at the same time by Michal Marek Griks ( )
7. 23.15 - 23.30 Closing ritual

With the Tantra Full Moon Festival, we would like to celebrate the nature and empower ourselves. It's a chance to connect and to have fun - lots of fun :) To share and explore love. Come and join us. Together we are stronger (and it's always more fun).

1. 13.30 - 14.00
Opening Ritual - let yourself to be surprised and come at time :)

2. 14.00 -15.30
Tantra Kriya Yoga is a practice of Indu origin and was one of the first practices originally born out of the Kaula Tantra school over four thousand years ago. The aim of this type of Yoga is to reconnect your body to your three types of energy, sexual, physical and mental. Roland Thier

3. 15.45 - 17.45
Workshop by Elfriede Van der Sanden ( ) Description would come soon

4. 17.45 - 18.30
Food break

5. 18.30 - 20.30
Tantric Adventure - In this workshop we explain something about the role of sexuality in the universe and about our similarity to wolves. It helps to let go some of our judgements about ourselves. Between wolves there is a natural hierarchy, which you can also see in human behaviour. We explore these hierarchical structures and play with them. We start with awakening our senses: taste, smell (!), sound, breath, touch, during an intuitive dance. Than we develop an interactive role play in couples based on natural hierarchy and sexual attraction. We explore our alpha, beta, omega male/female parts in a sensual role play. We end with a guided meditation with sharing, in which we connect with our mental awareness and wisdom.
Janine Vermeulen and Mark Naaborgh -

6. 20.45 - 23.15
Dance with tantra  - a party time, where you may use freshly, new skills to connect, to dance and to share love, intimacy, fun ....We start with Chakra dance. Then I would provide you further in to the dance with tantra, in to the deeper connection with yourself and the partner. During the party the blindfolds would be available but if you have one ( or more ) bring it with you

During the breaks raw, vegan, fair trade, organic and delicious food and drinks would be served :)

If you would like to help us - do not hesitate to contact us.
Michal Marek Griks

Poster -> spread electronically to avoid use of paper :) -> just joking to motivate you to spread it through emails, face book etc. But plz. print it as well and hang somewhere in visible places. Maybe will stay longer and would memorize you beautiful moments.
Tantra would bring us to such good connection with nature and mother earth that we will save much more than this printed version :)


Voor nu, slechts gedeeltelijk. Het zal binnenkort compleet zijn

5. 18.30 - 20.30
Tantrisch Avontuur - In deze workshop gaan we in op de rol van seksualiteit in het universum en op onze gelijkenis met wolven. Het helpt ons om sommige oordelen over onszelf los te laten. Tussen wolven bestaat een natuurlijke hiërarchie, die we bij mensen terug zien. We onderzoeken deze hiërarchische structuren en spelen met ze. We beginnen met het wakker maken van onze zintuigen: smaak, geur (!), geluid, adem, aanraking terwijl we intuïtief dansen. Daarna maken we met elkaar een interactief rollenspel in koppels, gebaseerd op natuurlijke hiërarchie en seksuele aantrekkingskracht. We verkennen onze alfa, beta, omega male/female kanten in een sensueel rollenspel. We eindigen met een geleide meditatie met sharing, waarin we ons verbinden met ons mentale bewustzijn en wijsheid.
Janine Vermeulen en Mark Naaborgh -
6. 22.30 - 24.33
Dance with tantra - een feesttijd, waarbij je frisse, nieuwe vaardigheden kunt gebruiken om te verbinden, te dansen en liefde, intimiteit en plezier te delen... We beginnen met Chakra Dans en dan als voorbeeld zullen ik, Michal, je verder in de dans met tantra leiden naar de diepere verbinding met jezelf en de partner. Gedurende het feest zullen blinddoeken beschikbaar zijn maar bring een als je dat heb

Tijdens de pauzes rauw, veganistisch, fair trade, biologisch en heerlijk eten en drinken zou worden geserveerd :)

Zaterdag 04.04.15, 13.30 ~ 23.30

WG-terrein, Ketelhuisplein 41 Amsterdam

30 Euro per persoon, 55 per stel,
Voor vragen schroom niet te mailen naar ,
Stuur een mailtje om je aanwezigheid bij de festival te bevestigenHier kun je kijken voor updates, delen en je vrienden uitnodigen: je wilt ons helpen - aarzel niet om contact op te nemen.
Michal Marek Griks
AD 5:
Tantra Movement TV today:

in Tantra and Sexuality:

Sexual Tao by Dirkje Veltman at Rasayana Tantra Academy

Why crying during sex is so damn good for you

In Tantra Movement:
The Oneness - We Are All One!

In love songs:
Tribal Alliance 2014 Ayla Nereo "Let It In"

8 hour Lucid Dreaming Music - OCEAN ESCAPE - Lucid Dream Induction Music
I recommend to listen it non stop when you are in bed. How is it work for you ?
AD 6:
Empowering plans:
Beside of that above

I will be in Romania.
from 5th till 8th march in Cluj Napoca 
I will give looong (3,5 days) intensive weekend to spread tantra love there :)
If you know someone there let them know !

In may and june I will give Tantra course and tantra massage course on the intensive looong weekends in Spain by Mark

Kali on the white horse would come to me to save together  the planet and share love... ;)  - read some of my recent texts at the page what reveille more than agenda:
School Of Tantra introduces You to the path of tantric practice and lifestyle. It is the way of deep experience, abandoning all concepts, exchange of energy and entering intimate relation not only with yourself. Its expanding You to the deepest and the highest levels of love and ecstasy through working on all dimensions possible to You...
Love and light
Michal Marek Griks

Tantra Full Moon Festival - some of the plans

[gedeeltelijk NEDERLANDS vertaling beneden]
       { Updates would come soon }

Saturday 04.04.15, 13.30 ~ 23.30

WG-terrein, Ketelhuisplein 41 Amsterdam

Price is 30 E per person and 55 per couple
Don't hesitate to ask the questions ,
Sending email means confirming your reservation.

You may check updates and invite your friends here:

So the schedule is:
1. 13.30 - 14.00 Opening ritual
2. 14.00 - 15.30 Tantra Kriya Yoga by Roland Thier
3. 15.45 - 17.45 Workshop by Elfriede Van der Sanden ( )
4. 17.45 - 18.30 Food break
5. 18.30 - 20.30 Tantric adventure by Janine Vermeulen and Mark Naaborgh ( )
6. 20.45 - 23.15 Dance with tantra - a party time and workshop at the same time by Michal Marek Griks ( )
7. 23.15 - 23.30 Closing ritual

With the Tantra Full Moon Festival, we would like to celebrate the nature and empower ourselves. It's a chance to connect and to have fun - lots of fun :) To share and explore love. Come and join us. Together we are stronger (and it's always more fun).

1. 13.30 - 14.00
Opening Ritual
- let yourself to be surprised and come at time :)

2. 14.00 -15.30
Tantra Kriya Yoga
is a practice of Indu origin and was one of the first practices originally born out of the Kaula Tantra school over four thousand years ago. The aim of this type of Yoga is to reconnect your body to your three types of energy, sexual, physical and mental. Roland Thier

3. 15.45 - 17.45
by Elfriede Van der Sanden ( ) Description would come soon

4. 17.45 - 18.30
Food break

5. 18.30 - 20.30
Tantric Adventure
- In this workshop we explain something about the role of sexuality in the universe and about our similarity to wolves. It helps to let go some of our judgements about ourselves. Between wolves there is a natural hierarchy, which you can also see in human behaviour. We explore these hierarchical structures and play with them. We start with awakening our senses: taste, smell (!), sound, breath, touch, during an intuitive dance. Than we develop an interactive role play in couples based on natural hierarchy and sexual attraction. We explore our alpha, beta, omega male/female parts in a sensual role play. We end with a guided meditation with sharing, in which we connect with our mental awareness and wisdom.
Janine Vermeulen and Mark Naaborgh -

6. 20.45 - 23.15
Dance with tantra
  - a party time, where you may use freshly, new skills to connect, to dance and to share love, intimacy, fun ....We start with Chakra dance. Then I would provide you further in to the dance with tantra, in to the deeper connection with yourself and the partner. During the party the blindfolds would be available but if you have one ( or more ) bring it with you

During the breaks raw, vegan, fair trade, organic and delicious food and drinks would be served :)

If you would like to help us - do not hesitate to contact us.
Michal Marek Griks

Poster -> spread electronically to avoid use of paper :) -> just joking to motivate you to spread it through emails, face book etc. But plz. print it as well and hang somewhere in visible places. Maybe will stay longer and would memorize you beautiful moments.
Tantra would bring us to such good connection with nature and mother earth that we will save much more than this printed version :)


Voor nu, slechts gedeeltelijk. Het zal binnenkort compleet zijn

5. 18.30 - 20.30
Tantrisch Avontuur - In deze workshop gaan we in op de rol van seksualiteit in het universum en op onze gelijkenis met wolven. Het helpt ons om sommige oordelen over onszelf los te laten. Tussen wolven bestaat een natuurlijke hiërarchie, die we bij mensen terug zien. We onderzoeken deze hiërarchische structuren en spelen met ze. We beginnen met het wakker maken van onze zintuigen: smaak, geur (!), geluid, adem, aanraking terwijl we intuïtief dansen. Daarna maken we met elkaar een interactief rollenspel in koppels, gebaseerd op natuurlijke hiërarchie en seksuele aantrekkingskracht. We verkennen onze alfa, beta, omega male/female kanten in een sensueel rollenspel. We eindigen met een geleide meditatie met sharing, waarin we ons verbinden met ons mentale bewustzijn en wijsheid.
Janine Vermeulen en Mark Naaborgh -
22.30 - 24.33
Dance with tantra
- een feesttijd, waarbij je frisse, nieuwe vaardigheden kunt gebruiken om te verbinden, te dansen en liefde, intimiteit en plezier te delen... We beginnen met Chakra Dans en dan
als voorbeeld zullen ik, Michal, je verder in de dans met tantra leiden naar de diepere verbinding met jezelf en de partner. Gedurende het feest zullen blinddoeken beschikbaar zijn maar bring een als je dat heb

Tijdens de pauzes rauw, veganistisch, fair trade, biologisch en heerlijk eten en drinken zou worden geserveerd :)

Zaterdag 04.04.15, 13.30 ~ 23.30


-terrein, Ketelhuisplein 41 Amsterdam

30 Euro per persoon, 55 per stel,
Voor vragen schroom niet te mailen naar ,
Stuur een mailtje om je aanwezigheid bij de festival te bevestigen

Hier kun je kijken voor updates, delen en je vrienden uitnodigen:
Als je wilt ons helpen - aarzel niet om contact op te nemen.
Michal Marek Griks

Clarity - The way out from confusion. My wish for relationship to change the future

Life is full of surprise for us. In my opinion we may know the future to have clarity and opportunity to escape from it. What would be the other reason to know it ? Yes. Action, reaction. What you give, you receive. Infinite laws of karma. But you may change the karma. By any act , especially in new form you may influence, you can change your life like the life of the whole universe. We are the universe, we are the creators.... just another concepts.

Maybe it will sound arrogant but I'm not interested in any enlightenment in next life. I´m not interested to go to heaven after death. I´m for creating paradise on earth, enlightenment here and now, as soon as possible. Happiness is the way. And I'm not interested in (d)evolution. There is big unbalance on our planet. Mother earth, humanity, hungry children, suffering animals etc.... needs us now. I'm for rEVOLution. From inside to outside. That's why sometimes is good to be arrogant. Healthy ego is good ego, it could and should be one of our best friend. It may serve not only to our being but to everyone and whole universe.
I'm taking everything what is good for me, all opportunities, what feels positive for me and what are taking me ( universe ) in good direction. I'm not interested with one ( raw ;)) cake. I'm interested with whole bakery (@!). The rules have to be broken if it serve the higher purpose.

That´s why I do steps in to direction of freely deciding about my destiny.
It was told me, that I would rather be alone in my life.... and this is not what I wish in my life. I´m not bother so much if I´m with someone or not. Through my life I learnt how to be happy just with myself. I do not go to depression because I don´t have partner. I¨m  not desperately looking and desiring for someone.
If there is someone that´s wonderful, If not - I can life with that.
Easy go with the flow.

But this message that I would be rather alone in my life,  is really motivating me in to taking action.
I feel. I believe that when two people are creating the relationship their potential would not only be added, but multiplied is also to small word to express this. Universe needs us together

I'm in tantric world. It means now and again I´m meeting, connecting with someone a little bit deeper. This may confront me with different energies, people, other expectations, readiness, openness. This difference may bring confusion to me and the other person as well.
Clarity is maybe the best way out from the confusion. Communication is very important tool in tantra, so here is my idea at that moment of life about my wishes ( not desires ) about relationship(s)

I will start from the most idealistic dream and most perfect relationship, what I could wish. Then I would go to less beautiful till on the end to the one what I could still accept. We never could be sure, what may happen, so that's why, while without any one, I'm open for any relationship, any woman(?), because we know that the things may go from down to the top as other way around as well. Tantra give us the ¨tools¨ what make the choice of direction going easier. .
... so here we are:

1st choice
Quote from one of my recent letter

In general at that moment I don´t wanna limit my potential only to one person. If there someone would come in my life, some princess, goddess Kali on white horse, with who I would wish to be together forever, probably it would be the person , who would do the same sharing love, tantra work with passion and without limits as I do.

She would be able to give the workshops together with me, watching with proud when I´m making the other girl happy. She would be able to accept that I massage, I cuttle, or even maybe kiss and maybe make love with another person because she would know that I´m doing it to help that person.

Of course she may do the same and we could even share freely our experiences to support each other. There would be full trust, that the love between us is beyond the healing relationships, what we are sharing to help people. Full transparency and honesty about everything. Love on the highest level

This is my dream who may hold me next to her and I know its just the question of time, that will happen because it happened already not once. I do not worry because I´m in love any way. In love in myself, in love in whole universe. Love is energy within and everywhere. Only conditioning made us not feeling it.

2nd choice

At the beginning I started to wondering what shall I write... then I decided I would go to the last choice first...

Last choice

Last thing what could be acceptable for me is the relationship with a person, who needs healing, breaking the conditioning and I may be with that person to help her. It has to be clear that this relationship is probably for just period of time and it can´t require any limitation, possessiveness on any side. At that level ( what through healing, liberation, connection may go deeper ) person have to accept and understand that we are together in very open relationship for her benefits and where there would be time, energy, readiness, this relationship may end.

In tantra, we have guidelines rather than rules. This means that, as higher we are on this ladder of choices, the negotiations  are more possible. But please never hesitate to express your limits, questions, concerns and wishes. 

  Somehow there is big gap between the first and tha last choice. When I started with the second choice I just realised that we are living in the constantly changing ocean of opportunities and situations. This what it seems to be useful today may be relevant tomorrow...

So find yourself in this scale. Feel, think, meditate, where between or may be on the top ;) <3 you see us there.

 Let me know
This is just beginning (?)

Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita interviewed by Tara Long at Rasayana Tantra Academy

Here beautiful Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita interviewed by beautiful Tara Long at Rasayana Tantra Academy. Spread further this tantric wisdom. Share  & Love.

About Sarita:

Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita is a world-renowned Tantra teacher and author. Her two books on Tantra have been translated into many languages. She met the Enlightened Mystic, Osho, in 1973, in India and remained in his community for 26 years, receiving much personal guidance from him on the subject of Tantra and meditation.

Sarita specializes in teaching Tantra as a spiritual path, supporting people in discovering the state of Mahamudra, (meaning the great gesture, arising from the ultimate orgasm with the universe.)

She teaches in 12 countries around the world, together with a team of highly gifted apprentice-teachers. She has created a Tantra Teachers Training as well as an 8 level Soul Mate Training for couples.

Each year, she offers a 9-day Tantra Meditation Retreat in Dharamsala India, to dive deeply into the 112 methods from the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra. She also offers guidance for some of the meditations in an on-line video course.
Sarita is also a gifted healer. She was trained by some of the most phenomenal healing luminaries in the world today, such as Peter Mandel, inventor of Color puncture, David Wagner, inventor of Tachyon Technologies, and Kohrogi Sensei, Ito Thermie Master.

Learn more about Sarita and her teachings on her website and read some insightful articles on her blog

¨I got to know Sarita on a Sexuality and Consciousness Conference in Copenhagen. I could immediately see her radiance and spiritual power. She really is able to teach people tantric bliss with her divine energy, her beautiful voice, her carefully chosen words and her graceful movements.
She is an Osho devotee and has spent many years in his community receiving personal guidance and initiations from Osho and other important spiritual masters / healers. Now she is a master herself, a real tantrika, a lovely woman! A divine living being.
In her courses, Sarita weaves together healing, meditation and Tantra, creating a highly supportive learning environment filled with love, joy and wisdom.
Do not miss her and her teachings!¨
Dr. Tara Long
Dean Rasayana Tantra Academy / Connection University

Edited by SOSCTV, Michal Marek Griks

... worldwide known teacher of Tantra - Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sacred energy. - worshiping your holy body, recognizing your wild soul. Workshop for all

[NEDERLANDS Vertaling beneden]

Workshop for all in Saturday 28.02.15, 20.30 ~ 23.30

WG-terrein, Ketelhuisplein 41 Amsterdam

25 Euro per person, 45 per couple, 10 times card only 210 E

Don't hesitate to ask the questions ,
Sending email means confirming your reservation.

You may check updates and invite your friends here:

Together we create at the workshops safe space and together we experience transformation processes, remembering, however, that the real change happens outside the comfort zone. We work in a group, in pairs and individually. This day we will focus on the flow of energy through the body, how we experience it and how to inspire and cultivate that. What is blocking us and how to be consciously permeable for those blocking energies.
Tantric path opens us to experience our own, our partners and groups deep energy levels. Thankful Tantric and sexual Tao techniques, we become aware of subtle energies which link the apparent opposites: spirit and matter, sexuality and spirituality, light and darkness, consciousness and unconscious, masculinity and femininity ..
By using the keys to the door of connections, to regain our inner strength, we are giving right direction to the flow of energy.

[NEDERLANDS Vertaling]

Workshop voor iedereen op zaterdag 28.02.15, 20.30 ~ 23.30
WG-terrein, Ketelhuisplein 41 Amsterdam

25 Euro per persoon, 45 per stel, 10 workshops maar 210 E
Voor vragen schroom niet te mailen naar ,
Stuur een mailtje om je aanwezigheid bij de workshop te bevestigen

Hier kun je kijken voor updates, delen en je vrienden uitnodigen:

Heilige energie. - Het aanbidden van je hele lichaam, je wilde ziel herkennen.
Samen creëren we een veilige ruimte en samen ervaren we transformatie processen. onthoud wel dat de echte verandering buiten je comfort zone ligt. We werken in de groep, in paren en individueel. Op deze dag gaan we focussen op de energie flow die door het lichaam stroomt, hoe we die ervaren en hoe we die kunnen inspireren en cultiveren. Wat blokkeert ons en hoe kunnen we die blokkades bewust doordringen?  
Het Tantrische pad opent ons om onze eigen, onze partners en de diepe energie levels van de groep te ervaren.
Dankbare Tantrische en seksuele Tao technieken, we worden ons bewust van de subtiele energieën die ons verbinden met het schijnbare tegenovergestelde: geest en materie, seksualiteit en spiritualiteit, licht en donker, bewust en onbewust, mannelijk en vrouwelijk.
Door de sleutels naar de deuren van verbindingen te gebruiken, krijgen wij onze innerlijke kracht terug, en geven we richting aan de flow van onze energie.   

Michal Marek Griks

Monday, February 23, 2015

Clarity - the way out out from confusion. My ideal wish for relationship

Quote from one of my recent letter, part of the text what I´m rewriting now

In general at that moment I don´t wanna limit my potential only to one person. If there someone would come in my life, some princess, goddess Kali on white horse, with who I would wish to be together fore, probably it would be the person , who would do the same sharing love, tantra work with passion and without limits as I do.

She would be able to give the workshops together with me, watching with proud when I´m making the other girl happy. She would be able to accept that I massage, I cuttle, or even maybe kiss and maybe make love with another person because she would know that I´m doing it to help that person.

Of course she may do the same and we could even share freely our experiences to support each other. There would be full trust that the love between us is beyond the healing relationships, what we sharing to help people. Full transparency and honesty about everything. Love on the highest level

This is my dream who may hold me next to her and I know its just the question of time that will happen because it happened already not once. I don´t worry because I´m in love any way. In love in myself, in love in whole universe – love is energy within and everywhere. Only conditioning made us not feeling it. 

to be continued ...

Monday, February 16, 2015

Beyond Borders movie in Inspiring Cinema this friday, 20.2.15 at ADM

Beyond Borders

Inspiring Cinema
Friday 20.02.2015
ADM Hornweg 6 Amsterdam
Vegan organic food for donation at 19.00
Movie at 20.00
Before the movie we will play the winter games adm compilation :)

If someone would like to help with cooking etc. youŕe more than welcome ! Let me know

For every 40 E from benefit, we could print 5000 glossy A6 leaflets what we could spread to rise the awareness further !

Movie is touching such subjects like refugees, humanitarian help, world hunger, passion of helping people etc.

Instead of synopsis of the movie, what I'm watching I would rather write my story ...

Today I hanged in giveaway shop west with the batch made by me, what is saying:
¨Would you like to feed 16 children every day ? The answer is simple: Become vegetarian or even better vegan. To produce 1 kilo of meat you need to use 16 kilo of corn.... "
It was time that i used to make also posters with that logo. I was writing about it etc.
Somehow dying from hunger children were some of the main points of my activism...
As didn't get big interests of others, it got diluted in other ways of helping people.

I started to watch that"coincidentally" found movie, where maybe first time in the moving pictures I saw hungry child dying from hunger. He was lying next to his dying mother and next to the vultures, what were waiting for their dead bodies to eat. I started to cry. I felt pain and anger. Through tantra my empathy transformed not only in to believing that we are one but into the feeling and being one.
I shouted "enough!". Its time that I would use my roots and Tantra Movement would go in to its full potential and would not only spread love to individuals but to all universe, so to hungry kids as well.
Now with the power of love and tantra, I feel that my ( our ) activism would be so efficient, so powerful like never before. It never felt so complete, so nothing could stop me.
Tantra Movement, Spirit Of Squatters Collective TV, Inspiring Cinema, by being in love, rising consciousness about our bodies, about hungry children, raped woman, destroyed planet and everything what needs change... we will do the healing on every levels: sexual, relationship, mental, social, environmental, from inside to outside. Our fight for better world is our victory above our lives. Happiness is the way. Love will conquer all. Together we are stronger. Join us one way or another.

The movie is maybe just another love story, what shows desperation of people trying to save the world.
Maybe another "commercial " for charity organisations like live aid etc. Maybe another movie what doesn't explain real reasons and real solutions... but it touches the heart, it shows that there is problem and people trying to solve it. It just pity that it doesn't say, that with the same ships, what humanitarian charity aid is coming to the third world countries, with the same ships soy beans for our meat is taken away from them to come to our reach world mega stables.

if no borders in your mind the war would start in your heart.

We use this movie to touch your emotions. We use those words to rise the awareness and remember, where the love starts

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Sexual Fantasies

It´s important to recognise where they´re coming from: From addiction, from healing process or maybe from the insights of beautiful energy of love.

In most of the case they´re coming from addiction to the peak orgasms ( clitoral orgasms or ejaculatory orgasms ). Those fantasies are going in to direction of perversion in order to bring harder stimulation required by deeper addiction.

Fantasies may come during or after tantric treatment, workshop, massage, practise or making love. Usually they´re sudden, not understandable and often there is no clue where they´re coming from. They may surprise us especially if we don´t remember, if we don´t recognise them from our life. Some past memories, some past conditioning needs to be broken, some liberation is manifesting in us. The healing is happening. The best in that moments is to just observe our emotions, energies, sensations, breath, body etc. and by being here and now, going through it (again ? ) in save environment, we would heal what it needs to be healed, we would liberate our self from something. Once and forever, we would get rid of , what is ¨ on our shoulders¨ and slowing us down and making our whole life heavy and miserable. Of course sometimes past memories, pain, sadness, other emotions etc. are to big to go through them at once. Be gentle with yourself, partner or client Sometimes to complete the healing you need more than one session. Don´t force yourself or others to more than you can bare. Its about healing not another traumatising :)

Other fantasies may come from universe, from beautiful energy of love as insights for us. The ideas how we could progress our sexual life, how we could bring never ending healing and love to even higher levels. This is only happening, when we already are bringing sexual energy to higher chakras, so we are not loosing it by the peak orgasms. In that way through fantasies, through third eye chakras, we are getting the insights, how we may use sexual energy in more loving, in more efficient and healing way for us, relationship and even whole universe. In those fantasies you¨re really feeling sure sacredness and even such a practise like BDSM could be used in order to heal the fear and trust.


ADM Amsterdam

Tantra Full Moon Festival.Saturday 4th april

Tantra Full Moon Festival will happen again in 4th of April 2015, saturday from 13.30 till 23.30 Katelhuisplein 41 - write this day in your agenda- spread the message !  More update would come soon !

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

[SOTM36]Love Yourself workshop*break ?*SOTMTV*Empowering plans*SOTM newsletter[36]

To properly see the newsletter click the link on the right and allow the pictures to be displayed !
View this email in your browser
Hello lovely people <3

We will have kind of long break till 14.3.15... Because my Rasayana Tantra Study and teaching in Romania, there would be only one workshop 21.2.15 during this coming month. I will miss you, so who knows maybe something would come out in the mean time ...  then we begin massage course again.
   Happy valentijnsday as well <3 If you still didn´t plan this day at 18.00 at the Rembrandplein one of our  assistent, Lucienne is organizing free hugs event. Enjoy !

1.Tantra Movement inspiring pictures
2.Love Yourself workshop for all [NL]
3. Tantra Massage Course
4. Tantra Movement TV today: [Repeat]
Interview with Sarita about Sex, Birth & Death
Sexual Healing - The Sexuality radio Show Episode 16 w/ Sheri Winston
The Goddess by Rebekah Shaman
Limahl - Never Ending Story - 1984
Lucid Dreaming Music
5. Empowering plans

Enjoy :)
AD 1:

At the beginnign traditionally some inspiring pictures from Tantra Movement facebook pages ( like us! :)  We just passed 700 likes :) - join the movement



AD 2:

Love Yourself workshop for all

[NEDERLANDS Vertaling beneden]

Saturday 21.02.15, 20.30 ~ 23.30

WG-terrein, Ketelhuisplein 41 Amsterdam

25 Euro per person, 45 per couple, 10 times card only 210 E
Don't hesitate to ask the questions ,
Sending email means confirming your reservation.

You may check updates and invite your friends here:

Love Yourself!
Loving ourselves is the foundation of real love, when we love ourselves, we can truly love others. When we feel good about our self, we will have the self esteem needed to act in love towards another being. To truly love ourselves may increase the chance of amplifying love shared with our partners, family, animals, nature, whole planet and entire universe. So how you may notice, it have nothing to do with selfishness but rather with expanding love in healthy way...

[NEDERLANDS Vertaling]

Zaterdag 21.12.14, 20.30 ~ 23.30

WG-terrein, Ketelhuisplein 41 Amsterdam

25 Euro per persoon, 45 per stel, 10 workshops maar 210 E
Voor vragen schroom niet te mailen naar ,
Stuur een mailtje om je aanwezigheid bij de workshop te bevestigen

Hier kun je kijken voor updates, delen en je vrienden uitnodigen:

Liefde hebben voor onszelf is de basis van echte liefde, wanneer we van onszelf houden, kunnen we pas echt van anderen houden. Wanneer we ons goed voelen over onszelf, zullen we het zelfvertrouwen hebben dat nodig is om in liefde naar anderen te handelen.
Om echt van onszelf te houden zal de liefde vergroten met onze partners, familie, dieren, natuur, de planeet en het hele universum.
Het heeft niets te maken met egoïsme, maar juist met de expansie van liefde op een gezonde manier.
AD 3:

Tantra Massage Course

Il Cielo Oostzaanstraat 46 Amsterdam

15.00~30 - 19.30  Sundays
15.3.15 ( to be confirmed ),  29.3.15,  5.4.15, 12.4.15, 26.4.15, 3.5.15, 17.5.15, 31.5.15, 7.6.15, 14.6.15
Tantra Massage it is deep flow of energy, what include the connection on any possible levels, between sexuality, love and spirituality as well as between giver and receiver.

Tantric Massage course in School Of Tantra Movement include 8 chapters:
1 Mystery of the Tantric Magic. Introduction to Tantric Massage course
2 Kashmiric Dance Massage workshop
3 Tantric Massage within relationship
4 De-armouring, Deblocking Massage
5 Neo Tantric Massage - Introduction
6 Neo Tantric Massage - Worshiping the Yoni
7 Neo Tantric Massage - Worshiping the Lingam
8 Closing Ritual
... but be aware - Tantra is like never ending story :)
AD 4:
Tantra Movement TV today:

in Tantra and Sexuality:

Interview with Tantra Master Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita - she is coming to NL, to Rasayana Tantra Academy 13-15 february - don miss it ! In this interview she is saying about Sex, Birth & Death

Sexual Healing - The Sexuality radio Show Episode 16 w/ Sheri Winston

In Tantra Movement:
The Goddess by Rebekah Shaman

In love songs:
Limahl - Never Ending Story - 1984

8 hour Lucid Dreaming Music - OCEAN ESCAPE - Lucid Dream Induction Music
I recommend to listen it non stop when you are in bed. How is it work for you ?
AD 5:
Empowering plans:
Beside of that above

Tantra Full Moon Festival will happen again in fourth of April 2015, saturday from 13.30 till 23.30 Katelhuisplein 41 - write this day in your agenda- spread the message !

From 25.2.2015 till 9.3.2015 I will be in Romania. 
From 26th february till 1rst march in Bucharest and
from 5th till 8th march in Cluj Napoca 
I will give two looong (3,5 days) intensive weekends to spread tantra love there :)
If you know someone there let them know !

School Of Tantra introduces You to the path of tantric practice and lifestyle. It is the way of deep experience, abandoning all concepts, exchange of energy and entering intimate relation not only with yourself. Its expanding You to the deepest and the highest levels of love and ecstasy through working on all dimensions possible to You...
Love and light
Michal Marek Griks